Wednesday, March 28, 2007

make better list.
mail, gas, decaf.
make a comic.
not much.
called nasa,
wrote to ray.

make better list.
X mail, oil $130 IRS $1100, water bill -$160. my half $80.

X gas $33,
car stuff: wipers, air filter, headlight, oil $22.
X decaf $7.
X laundry.
make a comic.
not much.
called nasa,
wrote to ray.
cleaned fridge

plan for thursday:
X bank.
X credit card.
oil change
X headlight
X filter
what else?
X buy books

Need to make better list.
Oil change, .. didn't place was closed when i got there.
Water Bill/collect rent
kick out gregg .. made progress, moved his shit out

dig hole.. bailed water, didn't get any digging done
got gas for mower, mowed lawn.


Monday, March 05, 2007

well i still havent done the writing things from my listy ten days ago - i havent even read the snail mail from friday. But i have an appointment 9 am wednesday in evansville that if i get it will be $3700,and that'll help.

Friday, March 02, 2007

Three really important things I should be working on besides webcomics, in the 40 minutes remaining tonight:

outline letter to habitat
review, print, answer to motion to dismiss, but not before reading today's mail.

outline cca stuff.