jan 14th
pay rent X
bank X
organize paperwork
move file cabinets
call eddie X
go to club X
shop for car
get water bill for joell
pay credit card
buy coffee X
7 pm meeting woodruff X
when was that cle?
oh wednesday (it was thursday, i screwed up)
jan 24 thursday
150 transmission
-2000 bank
1000 pay credit card
250 pay electric bill
50 water bill
100 gas bill.
mail traffic court letter
maybe mail margaret's package.
maybe mail bill's book.
make better list:
club tonight if chores done.
to do: texas taxes $500
irs penalities
2007 taxes
2006 taxes
winthrop deal
riley deal
beville deal
list for jewelry doctor
test laptop
clean house
file bills in folder by year.
move boxes from 227
take car to 227, walk back.
laundry soap at mexican store.
friday: call covance evansville.
spank riley
tease london
make better list
mail letter re traffic court
prepare notice of appeal
open file, check dates, don't miss deadline
nastygrams re unwarranted search
notice of tort claim
paid bills
bought transmission
did laundry
Friday: didn't make a list, so didn't do anything.
Been reading a book, making soup and pasta sauce, a couple comics and blog posts.
Saturday, sunday: cleaned room. Yay!