Saturday, December 11, 2010

I've been aware for a while that Indiana doesn't accept Alford pleas.This is the case that says so. Something for me to read later.
65 Ross v. State, 456 N.E.2d 420, 421-22 (Ind. 1983); Harshman v. State, 115 N.E.2d 501, 502 (Ind. 1953).
66 See Ross, 456 N.E.2d at 421 (quoting Harshman, 115 N.E.2d at 502 (suggesting that Alford pleas risk not being "intelligently and understandingly made, or [may be] inconsistent with the realities of the situation")).
67 Trueblood v. State, 587 N.E.2d 105, 107 (Ind. 1992).

Friday, December 10, 2010

did today:
mailed jean and marg presents $30
bought stuff at walmart $50 (cam, locks, bondo, shoes, mouse killer.)
got about $50 of dumpster stuff.
took out trash
to do:
mail: case number for proffitt case. need to file motion to extend discovery.
bill gas bill needs paid $52.
need to find out what i owe for utilities.

need to get w greg sometime.
need to get tires.
get cam set up.
be here when lane comes over
call mom

prsents fo rmom (kettle) bill (coffee, dolmades) lindy (sweatshirt, food)
make comic.
check for studies.
make better list
oconnor tax issue.

talk to brian.
actually get stuff done - staycation was nice but.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

to do:
license done
trash done
read letter from court
call mom
make xmas packages for jean
check phone messages

chek mail at box today
oconnor letter re 227
make better list
make a comic
fix car/ see greg
mail xmas stuff for jean, make package.oh, need car for that.
couchsurfing omaha
winthrop habitat letters
sell house - list house
letters re kendle
study for and take chacha test
did: worked on car
cleaned front room
fixed leaking faucet
got jean's present partly ready
to do, find her address, get the right sized box, mail.
quintiles: find letter, fax blood pressure info.

Monday, October 11, 2010

taxes 227
drive by winthrop
call omaha
i'm forgetting something
call mom
call court
make better list
print letters
plan to get voter list draft letter

10/27 friday
1 make better list
2 check if letters are ready for printing
a covance
3 cj hargett
4 225 taxes oconnor
5 midas
6 labcorp, kendle
7 letter to primary voters
8 get absentee ballot?
9 update ee list
10 taxes 4015
11 winthrop lawsuit
12 temple lawsuit
13 draft craigslist for rent ad
14 go thru old gmail, delete or archive 500 messages.
15 update blogs
16 make a comic
17 waples letter
18 draft voter id lawsuit so ready to file when i get back.

Sunday, October 03, 2010

horizontal rule
Home > Faculty > Susan Reverby

Contact Information

Telephone: 781.283.2535


Susan M. Reverby’s research on an immoral government medical study in Guatemala between 1946-48 where men and women were given syphilis has led to a U.S. government response from the Secretaries of the Departments of State and Health and Human Services. A copy of the synopsis and pre-copy edited version of her article,, “'Normal Exposure' and Inoculation Syphilis: A PHS 'Tuskegee' Doctor in Guatemala, 1946-48" in press with the Journal of Policy History, are available here.

Friday, September 24, 2010

friday dtl - now sunday
1 covance madison
2. call credit card re late fee
3. make calendar
4 make craigslist ad
5 waples

6 print brief, mail. check site for local rules.

lab corp
Esoterix Clinical Trials Services
750 Walnut Avenue
Cranford, NJ 07016

morgantown /hq. company president etc.

respond to 256 n temple suit

amicus brief notes 9 copies case number centered at top green cover

9 + 4= 13 copies total
submit a disk with pdf file.
word count
fix cert.

ask charlie white (secstate) about his position on disclaimers.
contact vop ossily.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

thurs dtl

outline letters
1 covance madison
2. call credit card re late fee
3. make calendar
4 make craigslist ad
5 waples

weds to do and dtl

dtl weds.
outline letters
3 covance madison
4 X find answering machine
1 X sort pile of clothes done. did dishes, swept floor.
6. call credit card re late fee
2 X sort bucket of paper in living room
make calendar
5 make craigslist ad
6 waples

X roach stuff. get car back. X take a walk in the rain.
fixed bike.

outline letters

covance madison
plan campaign
find answering machine
to primary voters
to midas
clean car
sort pile of clothes
organize tool room
take extra hardware to quality, see if vince wants any.
call credit card re late fee
mow lawn t 227
sort bucket of paper in living room
make calendar
work on geneology
make craigslist ad

Saturday, September 18, 2010

saturday to do and dtl

outline letters
plan campaign
call mom
find answering machine
to primary voters
to midas
clean car
sort pile of clothes
organize tool room
take extra hardware to quality, see if vince wants any.
call credit card re late fee
mow lawn t 227
sort bucket of paper in living room
make calendar
work on geneology
make craigslist ad

Thursday, September 16, 2010

check mail X
laundry X
make comic X
make list X
bank X could not get cash, no funds, balance $150.
gasbuddy 21st and ritter X $40

finish maine amicus; ready for printing, print friday, call court for case number X
still need ot print at library after emails from counsel
maybe email counsel. X
outline letters
plan campaign
make friday to do list, errands, court stuff, gop.
dradf l;tter to primary voters.
get quote from kinkos for signs.
check status of taylor v taylor
check status of stewart v marion county
midas 851 N shadeland 46219
utilities $~100.

clean car X
turn compost pile X

make list of stuff to do at house - long term
install dishwsher
fix seal on freezer
insulate attic
install urinal
paint basement room
put books in attic
remove clothes from basement
sort basement storage room
take stuff to auction
make better list

make list of stuff to buy for house - $20 item that measures electric annual use cost n a circuit.
find out from jake/cabinet what utilities were
GET WATER and GAS for 227
make better list.
call credit card re fee late last month
bank check balance cash checks X 1/2
look for moms 2K check. X

kc today?
mow lawn at 227
put up for rent sign?
call arabian at 654 1416 maybe X

list houses for sale
go thru new mail, make action item list
sort bucket of paper in living room
take ladder and lawnmower.
respond to candidate questionaoires
laundry by stairs
make saturday dtl list
call mom
find answering machine.
work on geneology. (look up open source gedcom thingy tree)
make calendar of what's when.
greg, car.

Wednesday, September 08, 2010

daily task list wednesday 9/8/10
X 1 ... couchsurf
X 2 ... read consent and schedule
X club tonight if chores done
make better list
X make a comic
X 3 ... laundry
X 4 ... clean car
X take a walk
jan re birthday party cc mom.
X call springfield.
project vote smart
go thru mail.

brainstorming to do list stuff
voter id case
- waples
- memo to state court
- get info from fed court
- think about deadlines and timelines
- draft new complaint
- contact dem hq and dem vop ossili

campaign - contact gop offices

study: read concent and schedule
find couchsurf

credit card re $40 fee
oconnor re 227 tax
start 4015 tax appeal
pay water bill 227
gas bill 227
texas taxes look up, john pool,

Friday, August 27, 2010

Hasen points to an article by Rick Pildes,and thinks its very important and will be influential. Pildes suggests replacing primaries with an IRV general election.
This is not the worst imaginable system. It lets republicans prefer republicans, democrats prefer democrats, independents to vote for who they like,and the mechanism sorts it out till a winner is a declared. I tried to think about what are the possible flaws. I'm not one of those political scientists expert at applying game theory to election procedures. But here's what I've come up with. Pildes' system will encourage each faction to coalesce around a front runner. Because when one party has a front runner and the other party has a hotly contested race, the front-runner is more likely to pick up enough votes from independents to reach a majority, on some round of balloting. I could be wrong about this, but that seems to be how it would shake out.
That provides an incentive for parties to develop mechanisms to find a front runner, and these mechanisms might be less democratic in process.
Here in Indiana, the parties hold a slating convention, at which candidates can buy onto a slate by donating 10% of a year's salary. If more than one person buys in, the convention decides between them. Voting is done by precinct captains, who are usually controlled by a county chair. The slated candidate usually but not always wins at the primary. Indiana's slating convention is an example of the "smoke-filled room" method. Both times I've run as Republican in Indiana, I was not the slated candidate. In my first race neither I or my opponent was slated. This time the slated candidate ended up not filing and I was unopposed at the primary.
The jaybird primary, a privately held whites-only primary found unconstitutional in one of the White Primary cases from 1940s Texas, is another example of a mechanism to determine a front runner before the official election.
Primaries were one of the great reforms of the progressive era, 1900-1920. The goal was to reduce the power of the bosses and empower the rank and file party member.
Various plans to eliminate or re-tinker the primary system, including Pildes' proposal, blanket primaries or top-two run-off systems, risk undercutting this progressive goal of democratizing the party nomination process.
I agree with Pildes (and others) that IRV is a sensible way to run elections and has cost savings over a run-off method. But I do not agree that his system eliminates the need for primaries altogether. He would need to make a stronger case that the cost savings outweigh the value of the democratic processes lost in the shuffle if we eliminate the primary in exchange for an IRV general election.
Maybe one of the game theory types can comment on my concerns.

Monday, August 23, 2010

what i got done today - not much.
paid credit card bill cashed check
nned to write thanks you card for mom
need to call credit card company.
washed dishes. made stuff from garden, gardened, met w caretaker,
called jasper, wrote kendle, faxed jasper,
harvested parsley seeds.
to do: make comic.
make list.
plan campaign.
write that demfundraiser guy, he's on facebook. met in toranto.
weds - auto parts. downtown gop hq.
call jasper re $1700.
check for studies. make comic.
call arabian
proofread brief.

Friday, July 30, 2010

to do:
got $40 from greg
need basement fan
check 227
read thret letters
clean basement
sort one box in bedroom
make list
call kokomo car
dumpster dive tonight

did: got insurance $166.
sorted one box from car
mowed lawn across street

Sunday, July 11, 2010

matt lush opens my present, at 3:20 of this video.

Saturday, July 10, 2010

yesterday: nothing.
today: didnt get much done.
got the mail.
texas taxes foreclosing, need send $2000.
mowed 2 lawns.
met new tenants.
picked a squash.
did some dishes.
farmer's market.
need to take recycling.
weeded yard.
bought a tire $40.
changed oil $40.
bought pressure cooker $2.
on way to club after shower.
killed flies.
sorted brown sugar cabinet.
read w va paperwork.
didnt yet make a comic.
found kansas paperwork.
took out trash.
might have broke mower.
texas checks were $400.
mendenhall check will be $150.
laundry is in.

stuff to do for car:
check oil often.
get horn.
see greg about repair
cracked windshield
taillight doesnt work.
put away spare, clean car.
transmission inspection
need to go thru rest of mail - bills and threats.
take recycling.
tomorrow check trash at temple.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

today i was hung over and havent done anything.

Monday, June 21, 2010

didn't get much done today.
i mailed gay god his birthday present.
i made a backup key for my volvo to replace one i lost at pride.
i went to my house and evicted some squatters.
i went to the post office and the bank and took the recycling to the market.
i talked to two clinics about studies, looked for studies online, posted a glowing review of mendenhall.
bank was closed so i didnt pay my credit card yet.
off now to a metro slosh then the club.
oh yeah, i got out my expired lawyer card and visited howard in jail.
he's all beat up from being tased. resisted arrest, gave a false name, tried to run,
failed to register, might be deported back to kentucky.
so that's 8 things i got done.
looked at the cases the supreme court decided today, none interesting.
didnt make a comic.
did wash some dishes and put away dishes and take out trash and weed garden.
wasted most of the day on 4chan.
got a haircut.

i didnt get much done today.
spent about $50 at the club.
came home with a box of boring textbooks from yale, some tennis rackets, floor mats
the basement is leaking, very heavy rains this week.
i cleaned up the kitchen some, am doing laudry, cleaned my fridge, looked for studies,
have not yet hung up clothes.
wasted all day on 4chan again.
it's so hot/hung over i didnt get out of bed.
i have some memos to read in the west virginia case.
didn't pay credit card bill.
didnt evict the dog.
to do weds:
credit card bill,
check house call animal control.

weds: did nothing. maybe i hung up some clothes. too hot to get out bed.
i buried the compost and put away some dishes. i guess i did some weeding in the back yard.
i didn't get much done today.
i met with the county gop, but they say they dont get involved in state rep races.
i dug up some wildflowers from south sherman to put in the yard
i spotted some wood panels to go get later.
i withdrew money and paid my credit card bill.
i finally have a check coming from the insurance company.
i blogged and read the doe v reed opinion.
rode a bike to the store, bought $10 digital camera, need to install its software now. then go take pictures of 225 n temple.
go to the club tonight.
lend jake $100.
did not go to federal court because i forgot my wallet so had to go back home.
need to make a comic,
make a better list.
pittsburg tomorrow. get map, pack, bring critters, have fun.
too late to couchsurf pittsburg?
i forgot to call quintiles today.
to do friday:
call quintiles.
federal court, state court,
pack, go to pittsburg,
clean car.
make better list.
to do list
withrop property, whats his name
sign case
tax penalty problem.
open and read texas tax letters.
pay 4015 taxes.
amicus brief.
go on a date, find anybody to see a movie with.
call/email whats his name (beech grove)
hang up clothes.

friday: yikes! somebody reads this.
i have public blogs,
this space here is just where i jot notes to myself.

On Fri, Jun 25, 2010 at 10:45 AM, Ian .....> wrote:


Just wanted to say I enjoy checking in sometimes to read what you have been up to on GT's todo list. I love the fact that you have to run squatters out of the rental. That is just butch!

Have a great day


Thursday, June 10, 2010

mitchell tomorrow.

tuesday screening at covance $1200
27th screening at biokinetic. $5000
need to go to a doctor re jasper
and heart doctor at abbott.
so, look for the form from jasper,
go to lab tomorrow, s emerson, bring ekgs, so look for ekgs,

answer election questionaires,
contact carlos may,
contact gop hq.
write out notes for campaign plan.
go to pride stuff
call fletcher.
visit 227 every night, kick out whoever.
write up no trespassing signs for 227.
go thru boxes in room and downstairs.
heck more clinics for studies.
post clinic reviews.
make better list.
review voter id case.

Thursday, June 03, 2010

i didn't get much done today. i put $1000 back in my account that i took out last week to pay the credit card, after checking the mail. need to contact insurance co about $700 check.
call lindy and mom.
make a comic.
i checked the mail, dumpster dived, rochester stood me up but his check cleared.
transplanted some mint. off to the club now.
it's too hot and humid to do much.

Wednesday, June 02, 2010

1 go thru mail questionaires
collect rent
2 midas bbb
3 meineke
4 covance
5 make campaign plan
6 visit gop hq
7 work on cases
8 visit federal courthouse
9 check po box
10 make better list
clean fridge
spank ricky

Sunday, May 09, 2010

Tuesday, May 04, 2010

daily task list tuesday
1.did - provisional ballot
to do:
X 2 texas taxes money order envelope Paid $500
X 3 car insurance check call horace mann
1/X 4 call cetero did i get in. review calender.
5 call new jersey status of?

6 rochester
7 motion to reconsider
8 get signs

bought fridge $75.

X 9 type up lease

to do list
weds daily task list
X 4015 tax situation jessica stewart.
X fletcher
0- auction - forgot. saturday.

I, /s William Mitchell
agree to rent 225/227 N Temple Street for $500/MO beginning January 1 2010.
I agree to pay all the utilities.
As additional rent, I agree to maintain the house, and understand that landlord does not provide maintenance.
As additional rent, I agree to keep the yard clean and to pick up all trash in the 200 block of N Temple at least once a month.
I understand that rent is due ont he First and if rent is not paid in full by the 5th, a $5 fee per day applies.
I agree not to engage in any illegal activity in the house,and to be a good neighbor.
I agree to give 30 days notice in writing to end this lease agreement.

January 3rd 2010

/s Robbin Stewart, landlord.

January: due: $500 paid $500. balance 0
Feb $125 (adjusted) paid $125 balance 0 street cleaned: no
March due $500 paid $250 (late) balance $250 street cleaned: no
April due $500+250=$750 paid $330 (late) balance $170+250 =420. street cleaned: no.
May due $500 + 420=920 paid: _______________ balance:

Thurs daily task list
1. make better list.
2. fletcher.
3. motion to reconsider
4. think about voting situation. tomorrow go to federal court view doc.
draft motion for injunction. draft order.
to do list:

1 clean up room a bit
2collect rent
3 227 tax situation: step 1 go thru papers look for documents.
step 2 write motion to set aside default judgment. or just write to the tax board advising them of the situation.
4 write to carlos may campaign.
5 visit gop headquarters.
6 write aclu re counsel re voter ID.
7 cles
8 midas muffler
9 irs -step 1 do taxes for n years, 2007?2008? draft penalty letter request, look up form
10 john pool
11 find out how much texas taxes are now.
12 pay texas taxes to avoid more penalties.
13 make list of money owed:
4015 taxes
credit card
texas taxes
water bill.
14 get credit report.
c15 choice visa problem.
any other money owed anywhere?
16 draft west virginia complaint. shaffer
17 draft appeal to 7th circuit.
18 call new jersey status of
19 plug in fridge.
20 send thank you to mayors action center and ed coleman
21 get tax statement 4015.
22 contact health and hospital or metro whoever re "cleaning fee".
23 look into 227 cleaning fee possibility.
24 file campaign finance forms with county.
25 send letter to election division re offer of settlement $2.50.
26. lonnie problem.

thursday did didnt:
didnt get in at cetero
phone still not working.
gas buddy

did:got $7500 fee killed.
took box of bread to trinity house
built compost pile.
cat food for jake
went to fletcher's but he wasn't there.
weeded garden raked pile of leaves

Saturday, May 01, 2010

constantinople facebook lindy artichockes

Thursday, April 15, 2010

planted: zukes cukes squash acorn squash butternut watermelon canteloupe corn turnip pumpkin beets radish lettuce eggplant okra persian melon honeydew broccoli brussel sprouts carrots parsnips tomatoes potatoes kolhrabi long beans string beans
sunflower zinnia marigolds morning glory wildflower mix nasturiums oyster mushroom

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

did tuesday

made list

X get deed
X mail questionaire
X file cfa form
6 other things?

sold book $5
found $15 at state house
took out trash
watered garden
gave bobby ride from wishard hospital
made clinilabs appointment
next: bath
mail letters
makes notes on bobby/ricky's case.
go through list make new list.
bobby's birthday is friday.

Saturday, March 27, 2010

wheeler at prosecutor's office
tommy's mom re car.
jessi stewart 327 3936 re property?
call h + h re 221 temple.
midas muffler
what else?
lt governor re fines re campaign.
write letter re fines.
prepare to be sued.

I've sort of lost track of my to do list.
So I figured I'd write down ten things I know I need to do,
and maybe from there I can expand it or work on those ten things.

Plant the garden.
Collect rent. $750 due from 225/227. make a bill.

jax 55
ray 40
david hunter 50

boys: jax ray david kevinjoey corey dannon tommy lane smith who else?
girls: any? lynette, visit.
check social networking sites,

covance - find counsel
the cadillac - find counsel
boone county - find counsel
west virginia - draft complaint, get law license back
sign case
voter id case - find counsel
cca case, ogden
irs: taxes,
2001 penalties and refile
texas taxes
house 4015 problem
house 227 problem
check bank balance
pay down credit card.
house - attic insulation.
swinging door quality hardware.
boxes in room to sort.
take stuff to auction/ yard sale.
mom - call, write, mother's day, visit.
photocopy uncle bob stuff, save notes and files.
go thru old emails, delete or archive
are all bills paid and current?
get with jY RE 4015 bills

campaign -
lp convention, work it.
green party nom, have meeting.
coffee party work it
tea party, work it.
meet w republican office
return letter to murray clark.

go thru texas taxes letters
check post office
car - get insurance company check
car - oil change!!!!!!!!!!!
car - bondo re back window. flip mattress.
car - price a transmission at pickapart
garage: ladder to loft.
garden: get compost. start flower buckets.
make signs for chores., cig butts.
warn neighbors about cig butts.
campaign: let paul ogden and alison know about 4x8 plywood sheets.
make better list : make list of which items to do first, make list of which items are most important. break down list into simpler tasks.