Wednesday, December 19, 2012

evansville case

brown v texas

443 U.S. 47 (1979)



Friday, December 14, 2012

bought a house $12,000.
later update: sale of house fell thru.

trying again to hit publish...

Monday, December 10, 2012

per diem rates $152 a day using indianapolis rates as example (close enough)

90 days. the real question is if i get to use these or not.

number of days away from home
gateway 10
jasper     10
icon        15
springfield 15
 buffalo  20
jasper     15
= = =
90 days.
x 152

2500 car, internet, greyhound tickets, airfare, 1/2 insurance, megabus, hotel not included in above.
= = =
= = =
test (had a formatting problem)

Standard Meal Allowance

  • If you choose to take the standard meal allowance, you will use a flat rate set by the federal government for per diem expenses and not your actual expenses. The rates are determined by location; therefore, an area of the nation with a higher cost of living would have a higher per diem allowance than an area with a lower cost of living. If you traveled to Mobile, Alabama in 2011, your per diem rate for lodging would be $90, while if you traveled to Los Angeles, California, your per diem lodging rate would be $123. While you will not need to provide proof of expenses when taking the standard allowance, you will need accurate information including the dates, places a
    nd purpose of your per diem expenses.

Wednesday, December 05, 2012

1. tort claim evansville.
2. motion to set aside default judgment evansville
3. tort claim u of indy
4 public records request marion county police
5 letter to prosecutor re daniel
6 tort claim indy culinary academy/harrison college
7 tort claim carrol spicer
8 call re vote counting.
9 email electionlawblog with file.
10. outline plan to find counsel
11 send resume to brian bosma

1. tort claim evansville.
2. motion to set aside default judgment evansville
3. tort claim u of indy

4 public records request marion county police
5 letter to prosecutor re daniel
6 tort claim indy culinary academy/harrison college
7 tort claim carrol spicer
9 email electionlawblog with file.
10. outline plan to find counsel
11 send resume to brian bosma

12 evansville covance fda
   12a - find home address of covance president. have hand delivered.
   12b look up fda complaint process. initiate complaint.
   12d alert media?
   12e try to contact guinea pig zero
          his name was robert helms

cash on hand $325.

airplane tickets

green mountain energy: read citizens united transcripts and briefs to find out how well the disclosure was argued.

couchsurfing for kalamazoo.

make 10 item list, write it out on paper, expand into 10 paragraphs.

did: went to kalamazoo. walked 1/2 hour. weight 178.
offered $10,000 on house.

notes: the word "disclaimer" does not appear in the transcript of oral argument in citizens united (the september rehearing.)

the word disclosure is used once, by mr waxman, but not in a discussion of disclaimers.

the word disclaimer does not appear in ted olson's supplemental brief.

mcinture and talley are not listed in the  table of cases

 2. Whether BCRA’s disclaimer, disclosure, and
reporting requirements can constitutionally be applied
to advertisements for that documentary film
that the Federal Election Commission concedes are
beyond its constitutional authority to prohibit

- only argument made was that the communication was not covered. no indepoendent atrtack on disclaimers.

does list talley mcintyre and aclf. and riley v fed of the blind and hurley v irish-american gjlb of boston
. p 43-44.

Monday, December 03, 2012

greg paid $40. rick took off. may have been stealing things?

greg gave me bicycle, $50 credit.

water bill $60 this month. oil $450 or so.