Saturday, December 28, 2013

2014 goals:
learn to publish to amazon kindle
catch up w taxes.
get h n h to go away.
obtain drives from old computers.
fix teeth
fix up talbott
file mi case.
fix up car.

Monday, December 16, 2013

x monday - photocopy painting contract and greg stuff.

x call medpace and abbvie


some 4th thing.

go to talbott

x call realtors about the houses.

x brakes

Thursday, December 05, 2013

make to do list for friday.

taxes, h + r block.

cancel celerion

make a comic

make a better list

look up that cle

cops re greg

write a few sentences of memos
open case situations

set aside default in khan ticket

notice of tort claims in khan

lincoln marathon id search.

what else?

april 2 years ago misconduct by officers during my arrest and jailing.

perjury by linda proffitt - letter to prosecutor curry.

perjury by tammy gibbs

situation about painting the house.





boone county

Tuesday, December 03, 2013


nov $250 community

dec $2500

oil 6000

scrap 100

to do:put some money in an ira. 4k?

nov expenses
mileage 120 x 4 = 480x 0.50 = 240.
nights away from home = 1.= 50

315 miles x 2    = $315. screening visit $50

dec expenses

315 miles x 10 = 3150  $1575
hotel 52 so far
nights away from home 7 x 50 =350.
[referral fee $100.]

523. net income for month.

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

spent $44 to buy 630 minutes. =7 cents a minute ish.

yesterday spent $44 5 gallons paint
                        $12 mud.
                        $20 groceries + wine.

got into spaulding study 2500 4 weekends and a followup. report monday noon, no later than 1.

to do: get shocks.

do taxes. taxhawk!

today. shocks.

call mom

cops re greg.


21250ish for the year.

read irs letters.

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

resolved:motion to intervene in state mulholland case.

Sunday, November 24, 2013

the pony in evasville,someday

edit maybe not. 13 cover, no customers few dancers, coupons not honored.

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Continuing Legal Education Seminar

Monday, November 11, 2013

Friday, November 08, 2013

battery 11/8 #50.
battery 11/7 discovered #48.

previous battery #48, #49.
2 months ago money $30 to replace those, twice.

10 days ago
bike (blue murray 10speed)
lawn mower 6.5hp briggs and stratton selfpropelled.
treadmill $500.

$30 to buy a ladder

cash stolen from wallet or pants pockets:
unknown amount 50-100ish.

bike trek 15 speed $300 3 months ago.

bike 10 speed $50 6 months?
fans, heaters 4 or 5 each? deer head. who knows what else.

places he's worked:
go green. place across street from there.
hillbilly tire on10th st.
the place on the corner denny and washington.

accomplice richard patrick.

back rent around $3000. $500 from temple + 250 brian's car. - credit for lots of work done. at least $1000.
1150 Shelby St
(317) 327-6300

Sunday, October 27, 2013

for the last 20 days I've been occupied doing some contract work north of Chicago. I didn't get anything else done during that time.

I need to refocus on some of the stuff i'm getting behind on.

amicus brief
Evansville suit
paint the house
Michigan files
law rev art
kick out greg
fix new house
what else?
sell the house

Thursday, October 03, 2013

the tulip is the indiana state what?

the battle of new orleans, which ended the war of 1812, took place in what year?

the 1812 overture commemorates what military event?

where are panama hats made?

who wrote the autobiography of malcolm x?

where are bermuda shorts made?

who is buried in grant's tomb?

Saturday, September 28, 2013

work on green mountain future amicus on remand.

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

make a better list
check for studies
call jasper
write to the in superintendent of instruction or whoever she is re fired from mcgrawhill.
made $250 gross on this abbvie trip. 2 hotels 90 4 bus tickets 80 4 train tickets 30 samosas and coffee. so broke even. next part pays $1800. starts october 3.

download open office.

Saturday, September 21, 2013

Thursday, September 19, 2013

kill a watt
I try not to buy stuff on the internet but i need one of these.

thursday list:

call evansville
call kalamazoo
call about greg's ticket.
make a better list
x pcv valve for van. $11.
make list of money spent on the van. 
 bought 1000
exhaust 120
gas 70
tuneup 120, 140?
print rebate form. call and bitch at rebate company.
call arm and hammer bitch about rebate.
charge phone
x charge chromebook.
no reddit before calls.
wake up by 2:30.
x haircut

mi filing

go thru old lists make a beter list.

club if up by noon.. nope wont happen, 5 am now.
pick up tub and x bowl.
check jake's email.
find email for zoning thugs.

did: cleaned room a little. cut hair. started packing. charged computer.
can't find phone charger. trash. next: laundry
look at houses at tax sale.

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

tuesday. didnt make a list. didnt get out of bed. didn't get anuything done.

Monday, September 09, 2013

comments on this comic


arbi  says:
stuff done thursday swept talbott, did cash balance, made a list, got mulch planted taro got groceries bought paint washed clothes went to post office and walmart, bought bike, 2nd helpings,went to the club. friday: CLE on 10th floor of columbia club $35, apples, bring in trash, laundry, found irs letters,more mulch, transplantdmullien, sprayed poison ivy, bought phone minutes,posted list on wall,went to club w robert, gas for van $20, saturday twin aire, bought numberstickers for van,fixed tires on volvo $14 bought batteries for volvos 35+25. worked on property tax appeal talbott, reviewedn carolina amicus, sunday made 25 item list, all i did was bought computer, sent crhomebox for repair, watched breaking bad, caught up some emails. monday. bank, dinner with a friend, forgot coupon for brad's. nothing else done so far.
posted 1 minute ago ( permalink | delete ) [ ! ]

monday did list: got screening. bought ticket to chicago. made beet salad.

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

1244 todo notes

storm windows
fix windowstill 1244 upstairs back room
remove trash
move items to keep to 4015
ugly paneling
paint or get wallpaper?
sand walls remove cracking paint.
inspect electric
screens for windows
keep track of any money spent - goes onto basis for house
file property tax appeal
turn on water
inspect for leaks, drainage issues.
get bottle of rootkill copper sulfate
snake for drain
replace bathtub 1242
mow lawn
ask kid next door if mow lawn for $20.
cracks in ceiling back bedroom
get up to attic, look around.
major repairs to ceiling front bedroom
email realtor re listing an valuation.
bring stepladder for ceiling.
scape paint in stirway
get furnace inspected
check for mice
sweep cobwebs
air out - get fan on high
scrape wallpaper in bathroom.
replace toilet seat
paint closet doors
paint living room ceiling.
front room walls.
get insurance from sam.

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

x  Rob,   Could you write our address  on these two letters and forward them?     ->  707 Phillips Ave, Knoxville, TN  37920..

weds daily task list 

check phone messages
call mom
noon meeting bar association
make better list
take pictures of house.
ask greg if camera on phone.
re-print sales agreement
draft motion to set aside default judgment in ticket
work on tort claims
law library
x clean bedroom - 10 minutes.
x  take out trash.
illusions tonight if tasks completed.

Thursday, August 08, 2013

start keeping a time log for the michigan case, with a running total:
daily, weekly, monthly, yearly subtotals.
5 minutes minimum billing increment: phone call to marc.
15 minutes kalamazoo law library obtained copy zwicler v koota $2. f supp.
1 hour lunch 12 m - 1pm lunch w marc @ indian buffet he paid ($22?)
1:15-1:30 coffee w marc water street
2:30-3 pm reading zwickler v koota.
2 1/4 hours so far. @ paralegal rate of $72/hr.
marc's time: at least 1.50 hours.
action items: met w his staff.
discussed client contact canons.
discussed fieger as potential plaintiff or cocounsel
discussed law review article.
discussed standing and merits of case in light of majors v abell
disussed billing arrangments and recordkeeping.
exchanged more information on personal and professional histories.
compare and cntrast immigration law issues with free speech cases.
mentioned john malfa as possible contact.

Wednesday, August 07, 2013

to do:
x write paul ogden
review list
lunch w marc.
contact 1 more realtor, either the one with the good sold list or the one who emailed me about valuation.
1244 list.
- pictures of each room. so buy disposable camera? pictures of back yard.
contact lawyer for h + h.
new: review new summons.
new: photos front and back of 4015. and 1244, for sam for insurance.

1244: list.
that is, list for sale
file tax appeal
greg's to do list
mow grass soon
clean street
get better map of neighborhood
begin cleaning, geting ready to fix stuff.

do: billing note from today's meetings with marc asche.
45 minutes am 12 things wrong with statute.

15 minutes minimum billing increment: phone call to marc.
15 minutes kalamazoo law library obtained copy zwicler v koota $2. f supp.
1 hour lunch 12 m - 1pm lunch w marc @ indian buffet he paid ($22?)
1:15-1:30 coffee w marc water street
2:30-3 pm reading zwickler v koota.
2 1/4 hours so far. @ paralegal rate of $72/hr.

marc's time: at least 1.50 hours.
action items: met w his staff.
discussed client contact canons.
discussed fieger as potential plaintiff or cocounsel
discussed law review article.
discussed standing and merits of case in light of majors v abell
disussed billing arrangments and recordkeeping.
exchanged more information on personal and professional histories.
compare and cntrast immigration law issues with free speech cases.
mentioned john malfa as possible contact.

Thursday, August 01, 2013

finishing the study tomorrow except for the return.
today, worked on alaska complaint. worked midnight to 1 am, 

and two hours now. (6-8 pm 8/1/2013)
yesterday mostly worked on texas and tennesee.
wrote to lawyer, wrote to joe D, possible alabama plaintiff.
15 minutes discussing case w joe d.

Sunday, July 21, 2013

billing notes:

tuesday: 8 am. revised article 100 hits so far. working on mississippi code, const.

monday: started 10:05, plus a little bit 6:30-7:30 am. taking a reddit break at 1 pm.
resumed 3pm-5pm. so that's 5 hours today, only going to bill for 4 of them under a "reasonable legal fee" rule that, normally, i'll only count the first 4 hours a day, even when i actually work more.

did two more hours 9:30-11:30 pm.
did: general research.
north carolina complaint.
article on

(d 3)(july 21)so far sunday

1 hr researching dc code and cases on disclaimers
1 hr general reaserch on the project, adding cases and codes.
1/2 hour rereading barland, a wisconsin case, re how to structure the wi complaint.
plans for today: probably another hour at least. did two more hours.
subtotal so far 16.5. x 235= 3200+480+88= $3768. may not be billable at this time.

(d2)(7/20) saturday: drafted complaint template, arizona, florida complaints. 4 hours.
(d1)(7/19) friday: drafted michicagn, arkansas complaints. 4 hours.

(d-1)(7/18) thursday: started file w 50 states, codes, cases. 4 hours.
wednesday: (d-2, 7/17) checked into study 10:am, don't remember if worked on project.
(7/16) tuesday: 2 hours memo on mcintyre manifesto. 1 hours discussing with attorney asch,
took asch to dinner $25.


Tim Evans of the Indianapolis Star had a 90-minute interview with William Conour Tuesday in the Marion County Jail. From the long story:
Prisoners at the Marion County Jail have taken to calling him “Old School.”
What most don’t know is that the gray-bearded inmate once was one of Indiana’s best and most respected construction injury attorneys, a lawyer who collaborated with Supreme Court justices, won huge settlements for accident victims and gave generously to local charities. * * *
In an exclusive jailhouse interview Tuesday, Conour said he thinks he can make good on his debts, particularly if he can get out of jail to pursue an estimated $2 million he says he is owed for work on cases settled after he was charged in 2012. * * *
“I think if we are aggressive about it, I can make them whole, or certainly close to it,” Conour said of repaying clients. “I think it is possible, but time is not on our side.”
Really. More from the story:
Conour has been jailed since June 27. That was the day Young revoked his bond after finding that Conour violated terms of his release by disposing of more than $80,000 in assets without the required court approval.
His assets, including an extensive art collection valued last year at $500,000 in divorce records, were to be preserved to help make restitution to victims.
Instead, Conour sold some of his artworks and spent the money — part of it going to continue a lifestyle that burned through more than $7,000 in monthly living expenses, including $3,500 in monthly vehicle payments.
As part of his guilty plea this week, Conour agreed to turn over to the government the remaining artworks and antiques in his home. He estimated those items could bring in $150,000 for the victims’ fund if properly marketed, but he fears the government may sell them for pennies on the dollar.
Conour’s mansion, as well as another home in Carmel, are in foreclosure and will provide nothing for victims. A horse farm near Sheridan was sold at a sheriff’s sale in January.
Posted by Marcia Oddi on July 18, 2013 09:57 AM
Posted to Indiana Courts
sounds like somebody i should have lunch with.

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

can’t remember why i woke up and needed to write something down

⇆  ↝ ퟃ
introduce marc ashe to john malfa.

maybe i wanted to look up michigan disclaimer rules.

do that tomorrow

stuff for marc:
-   find cocounsel network
- article on gay marriages
- refer cases from john malfa
- involve in mcintyre manifesto project to whatever extent he’s interested
find out michigan disclaimer rules; is there a case here?
find plaintiffs who could be in danger in the old country.
spent 25 at dinner
wrongful termination stuff

mcintyre manifesto notes
50 states, scalia note two,

green mountain future

cases after talley

cases after mcintyre

cases after citizens united.

cases after (this most recent case.)

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

doable ten item list started tuesday july 16.

1       write to mom
x 2     caro book
3      re open mcintyre project. list state statutes,enforcement policies prepare cease and decist letters. (hard ball letter) prepare soft ball letter asking what their policies are how it applies to internet. write short article about mcintyre manifesto. use the clarksburg blog. memo on worley case.
4     make done list for july, june, may, 2013, 2012.
5     make to do list for 1244 talbot. property tax appeal.
6     make list for 227
7     email greg buck re trees.
8     email jake.
9     go thru 129 itm list, rank by importance.
x 10    get couchsurf.

did list:
got a couchsurf.
got into the $3000 study
got a tempeh sandwich $7.50. big splurge for me. the chef was cute.
bought mom's present, shipped it rush so it'll get there before her birthday. note: send a card, or call.

  1. catch up book re greg balance + 300 june 300 july
  2. get greg to make a list
  3. call about arsenal
  4. pawn shop texas
  5. x do daily cash balance $225 do again. spent $15?
  6. clinicard $685
  7. rick patrick
  8. ask for continuance on monday
  9. get court’s fax #
  10. check w sam re insurance
  11. arm an hammer refund
  12. order credit report
  13. clean room
  14. x update couchsurfing profile
  15. dentist
  16. x indiana has my wva check $300ish
  17. x make  better list
  18. sheets on bed
  19. switch greg’s lock
  20. x check status of meredith offer on 4015
  21. buy air conditioner $70
  22. write to mom
  23. caro book
  24. sort stationery cabinet
  25. clean papers off floor into folders
  26. find tommy
  27. get jean zach package ready, wash shirt, airmail
  28. join club indy
  29. get readmitted to bar
  30. file cases
  31. litigate for years win cases profit
  32. open billing folders for cases
  33. find cocounsel
  34. draft pleadings
  35. interrogatories
  36. stipulations
  37. affidavits
  38. find culprits, blame them.
  39. do easy quiz post at okcupid
  40. locks for doors
  41. batteries. bought 1, $35. buy another.
  42. minnows for joe.
  43. check front porch freezer
  44. make done list for july, june, may, 2013
  45. weed garden
  46. make lists for 4015, 1244, 227.
  47. greg buck re trees. visit him on hamilton. buy the trees from the state if need be.
  48. read recent s ct decisions
  49. find irs letters
  50. file 2012 taxes
  51. file 2011 taxes, etc, back to bush administration
  52. memo on worley case
  53. memo on ohio blogger case
  54. buy a unicorn
  55. pay elecric bill $400
  56. pay cable bill 60
  57. prepare property tax appeal for talbott - find comps
  58. winthrop
  59. get license back
  60. call evansville
  61. no word from covance. take steps w covance. fda, bbb, etc.
  62. hang up clothes
  63. check w jake re  get his stuff po box water bill his case counterclaim what else?
  64. spend $5 at english building
  65. visit unclaimed
  66. sell stuff at midland, need a car for that
  67. buy a bike. write down seril number. take a picture. paint it pink.
  68. go thru emails. bacon folder.
  69. put stuff in filing cabinets by year
  70. notics of tort claims
  71. 1
  72. 2
  73. 3
  74. 4
  75. 5
  76. call ray
  77. call aloha?
  78. follow up holder email w carson’s office print out letter, send registered
  79. winger case
  80. make list of acounts receivable
  81. creditors, disputed and actual.
  82. car insurance
  83. bedbugs
  84. print resume
  85. start a diary
  86. work on autobio
  87. read hry 1 year back issues of webomic possibly make comments
  88. buy real laptop
  89. running totls for tenants in 2012, 2013
  90. arson case
  91. forged utility lease ase
  92. midas 300
  93. covance 10,000 - put dolar amounts on to do list items
  94. buy bike lock
  95. get list of properties
  96. ruperts kids
  97. erato
  98. montana case
  99. green mountain amicus
  100. outline disclaimer artile revise draft
  101. work on voter id article
  102. rj’s birth day next week?
  103. check for prefebruary to list blog entries
  104. write out to do list post on door or wall
  105. blog entries at least weekly
  106. phillips reissue check
  107. indy unclaimed $300, other $300 wva item
  108. get indy unclaimed master list, work on it while at sudies. - that’s atually a good idea.
  109. prioritize lists by importanc and oldest to newest
  110. att
  111. daniel young case
  112. lonnie hall case records - find out second gunner
  113. homestead tax problems 4015 227 assessor treasurer
  114. surplus sale go over list of what sold
  115. astra zeneca call switchboard
  116. nasa!
  117. email greyhound
  118. write to marc emery
  119. ipl sheil a problem
  120. passport
  121. boone county veg issue
  122. caudill
  123. habitat
  124. chicago midway tort claim
  125. make enemies list
  126. public records request for use of force by off duty
  127. make list of what studies done when
  128. make better list
  129. call L.
