billing notes:
tuesday: 8 am. revised article 100 hits so far. working on mississippi code, const.
monday: started 10:05, plus a little bit 6:30-7:30 am. taking a reddit break at 1 pm.
resumed 3pm-5pm. so that's 5 hours today, only going to bill for 4 of them under a "reasonable legal fee" rule that, normally, i'll only count the first 4 hours a day, even when i actually work more.
did two more hours 9:30-11:30 pm.
did: general research.
north carolina complaint.
article on
(d 3)(july 21)so far sunday
1 hr researching dc code and cases on disclaimers
1 hr general reaserch on the project, adding cases and codes.
1/2 hour rereading barland, a wisconsin case, re how to structure the wi complaint.
plans for today: probably another hour at least. did two more hours.
subtotal so far 16.5. x 235= 3200+480+88= $3768. may not be billable at this time.
(d2)(7/20) saturday: drafted complaint template, arizona, florida complaints. 4 hours.
(d1)(7/19) friday: drafted michicagn, arkansas complaints. 4 hours.
(d-1)(7/18) thursday: started file w 50 states, codes, cases. 4 hours.
wednesday: (d-2, 7/17) checked into study 10:am, don't remember if worked on project.
(7/16) tuesday: 2 hours memo on mcintyre manifesto. 1 hours discussing with attorney asch,
took asch to dinner $25.
this is not a public blog, just a place hwere i can leave myself notes. nothing to see here folks, move along.
Sunday, July 21, 2013
Tim Evans of the Indianapolis Star had a 90-minute interview with William Conour Tuesday in the Marion County Jail. From the long story:
Prisoners at the Marion County Jail have taken to calling him “Old School.”Really. More from the story:
What most don’t know is that the gray-bearded inmate once was one of Indiana’s best and most respected construction injury attorneys, a lawyer who collaborated with Supreme Court justices, won huge settlements for accident victims and gave generously to local charities. * * *
In an exclusive jailhouse interview Tuesday, Conour said he thinks he can make good on his debts, particularly if he can get out of jail to pursue an estimated $2 million he says he is owed for work on cases settled after he was charged in 2012. * * *
“I think if we are aggressive about it, I can make them whole, or certainly close to it,” Conour said of repaying clients. “I think it is possible, but time is not on our side.”
Conour has been jailed since June 27. That was the day Young revoked his bond after finding that Conour violated terms of his release by disposing of more than $80,000 in assets without the required court approval.
His assets, including an extensive art collection valued last year at $500,000 in divorce records, were to be preserved to help make restitution to victims.
Instead, Conour sold some of his artworks and spent the money — part of it going to continue a lifestyle that burned through more than $7,000 in monthly living expenses, including $3,500 in monthly vehicle payments.
As part of his guilty plea this week, Conour agreed to turn over to the government the remaining artworks and antiques in his home. He estimated those items could bring in $150,000 for the victims’ fund if properly marketed, but he fears the government may sell them for pennies on the dollar.
Conour’s mansion, as well as another home in Carmel, are in foreclosure and will provide nothing for victims. A horse farm near Sheridan was sold at a sheriff’s sale in January.
sounds like somebody i should have lunch with.
Wednesday, July 17, 2013
can’t remember why i woke up and needed to write something down
⇆ ↝ ퟃ
introduce marc ashe to john malfa.
maybe i wanted to look up michigan disclaimer rules.
do that tomorrow
stuff for marc:
- find cocounsel network
- article on gay marriages
- refer cases from john malfa
- involve in mcintyre manifesto project to whatever extent he’s interested
find out michigan disclaimer rules; is there a case here?
find plaintiffs who could be in danger in the old country.
spent 25 at dinner
wrongful termination stuff
mcintyre manifesto notes
50 states, scalia note two,
green mountain future
cases after talley
cases after mcintyre
cases after citizens united.
cases after (this most recent case.)
Tuesday, July 16, 2013
doable ten item list started tuesday july 16.
1 write to mom
x 2 caro book
3 re open mcintyre project. list state statutes,enforcement policies prepare cease and decist letters. (hard ball letter) prepare soft ball letter asking what their policies are how it applies to internet. write short article about mcintyre manifesto. use the clarksburg blog. memo on worley case.
4 make done list for july, june, may, 2013, 2012.
5 make to do list for 1244 talbot. property tax appeal.
6 make list for 227
7 email greg buck re trees.
8 email jake.
9 go thru 129 itm list, rank by importance.
x 10 get couchsurf.
did list:
got a couchsurf.
got into the $3000 study
got a tempeh sandwich $7.50. big splurge for me. the chef was cute.
bought mom's present, shipped it rush so it'll get there before her birthday. note: send a card, or call.
1 write to mom
x 2 caro book
3 re open mcintyre project. list state statutes,enforcement policies prepare cease and decist letters. (hard ball letter) prepare soft ball letter asking what their policies are how it applies to internet. write short article about mcintyre manifesto. use the clarksburg blog. memo on worley case.
4 make done list for july, june, may, 2013, 2012.
5 make to do list for 1244 talbot. property tax appeal.
6 make list for 227
7 email greg buck re trees.
8 email jake.
9 go thru 129 itm list, rank by importance.
x 10 get couchsurf.
did list:
got a couchsurf.
got into the $3000 study
got a tempeh sandwich $7.50. big splurge for me. the chef was cute.
bought mom's present, shipped it rush so it'll get there before her birthday. note: send a card, or call.
- catch up book re greg balance + 300 june 300 july
- get greg to make a list
- call about arsenal
- pawn shop texas
- x do daily cash balance $225 do again. spent $15?
- clinicard $685
- rick patrick
- ask for continuance on monday
- get court’s fax #
- check w sam re insurance
- arm an hammer refund
- order credit report
- clean room
- x update couchsurfing profile
- dentist
- x indiana has my wva check $300ish
- x make better list
- sheets on bed
- switch greg’s lock
- x check status of meredith offer on 4015
- buy air conditioner $70
- write to mom
- caro book
- sort stationery cabinet
- clean papers off floor into folders
- find tommy
- get jean zach package ready, wash shirt, airmail
- join club indy
- get readmitted to bar
- file cases
- litigate for years win cases profit
- open billing folders for cases
- find cocounsel
- draft pleadings
- interrogatories
- stipulations
- affidavits
- find culprits, blame them.
- do easy quiz post at okcupid
- locks for doors
- batteries. bought 1, $35. buy another.
- minnows for joe.
- check front porch freezer
- make done list for july, june, may, 2013
- weed garden
- make lists for 4015, 1244, 227.
- greg buck re trees. visit him on hamilton. buy the trees from the state if need be.
- read recent s ct decisions
- find irs letters
- file 2012 taxes
- file 2011 taxes, etc, back to bush administration
- memo on worley case
- memo on ohio blogger case
- buy a unicorn
- pay elecric bill $400
- pay cable bill 60
- prepare property tax appeal for talbott - find comps
- winthrop
- get license back
- call evansville
- no word from covance. take steps w covance. fda, bbb, etc.
- hang up clothes
- check w jake re get his stuff po box water bill his case counterclaim what else?
- spend $5 at english building
- visit unclaimed
- sell stuff at midland, need a car for that
- buy a bike. write down seril number. take a picture. paint it pink.
- go thru emails. bacon folder.
- put stuff in filing cabinets by year
- notics of tort claims
- 1
- 2
- 3
- 4
- 5
- call ray
- call aloha?
- follow up holder email w carson’s office print out letter, send registered
- winger case
- make list of acounts receivable
- creditors, disputed and actual.
- car insurance
- bedbugs
- print resume
- start a diary
- work on autobio
- read hry 1 year back issues of webomic possibly make comments
- buy real laptop
- running totls for tenants in 2012, 2013
- arson case
- forged utility lease ase
- midas 300
- covance 10,000 - put dolar amounts on to do list items
- buy bike lock
- get list of properties
- ruperts kids
- erato
- montana case
- green mountain amicus
- outline disclaimer artile revise draft
- work on voter id article
- rj’s birth day next week?
- check for prefebruary to list blog entries
- write out to do list post on door or wall
- blog entries at least weekly
- phillips reissue check
- indy unclaimed $300, other $300 wva item
- get indy unclaimed master list, work on it while at sudies. - that’s atually a good idea.
- prioritize lists by importanc and oldest to newest
- att
- daniel young case
- lonnie hall case records - find out second gunner
- homestead tax problems 4015 227 assessor treasurer
- surplus sale go over list of what sold
- astra zeneca call switchboard
- nasa!
- email greyhound
- write to marc emery
- ipl sheil a problem
- passport
- boone county veg issue
- caudill
- habitat
- chicago midway tort claim
- make enemies list
- public records request for use of force by off duty
- make list of what studies done when
- make better list
- call L.
Friday, July 12, 2013
friday daily task list
x walmart shell no pest strip. seeds? detergent?
x talk to greg about lawsuit
get greg to make a list.
2 catch up book re greg.
x return keys to talbott
call lawyer about arsenal
xx 1 put bedbug thing on mattress.
3 call nate
pawn shop texas
x do cash balance - cash on hand.
estimate cash in bank. 2k+8K+6K = 16k.
x study corsi case - documents at
police report re rick patrick
list of stuff stolen
friday did list
bought minutes $40 440 minutes (so 9 cents a minute)
talked to sam about insurance
sent email to electionlaw list.
returned keys to talbott st
booked screenings in michigan and nebraska.
bought: walmart $50, angelos it fell off a truck store $12
shoes no pest strip bike lock bike tire spare tang juice
cherry juice chili pepper seeds tahini i forget what all.
found: mushrooms lettuce salad dressings
thursday did list
went to club $5
made list.
paid water bill $50
5 phone calls two emails
mowed lawn on talbot, inspected, made keys, called sam
checked for studies
called nate
got oranges potaoes giraffe
inspected arsenal
made comic
drew out $200.
to do list
arm and hammer refund.
order credit report
pay off credit card
clincard issue
clean my room.
possible couchsurfer.
indiana has my w va check
x walmart shell no pest strip. seeds? detergent?
x talk to greg about lawsuit
get greg to make a list.
2 catch up book re greg.
x return keys to talbott
call lawyer about arsenal
xx 1 put bedbug thing on mattress.
3 call nate
pawn shop texas
x do cash balance - cash on hand.
estimate cash in bank. 2k+8K+6K = 16k.
x study corsi case - documents at
police report re rick patrick
list of stuff stolen
friday did list
bought minutes $40 440 minutes (so 9 cents a minute)
talked to sam about insurance
sent email to electionlaw list.
returned keys to talbott st
booked screenings in michigan and nebraska.
bought: walmart $50, angelos it fell off a truck store $12
shoes no pest strip bike lock bike tire spare tang juice
cherry juice chili pepper seeds tahini i forget what all.
found: mushrooms lettuce salad dressings
thursday did list
went to club $5
made list.
paid water bill $50
5 phone calls two emails
mowed lawn on talbot, inspected, made keys, called sam
checked for studies
called nate
got oranges potaoes giraffe
inspected arsenal
made comic
drew out $200.
to do list
arm and hammer refund.
order credit report
pay off credit card
clincard issue
clean my room.
possible couchsurfer.
indiana has my w va check
Friday, July 05, 2013
x 1) $500 certified check hoosier homes
x 2) post office?
3) could go to the electric company and water (gas) co to look for forged documents
x call medpace got in at medpace. at least alternate. (call kansas city clinic.)
x call jasper
check list; what else?
1.5) optional brad's flamingo
4) police report re richard patrick. find list of missing stuff.
spent $217 on bedbug stuff. deposited $1000 so net deposit is $200.
got numbers for car 49. dollar store didnt have bike locks.
make a comic. make a better list. bath, laundry.
email joe re tax sale.
install mattress cover, sheets.
pack for ohio
Saturday 4:15 white castle don't be late.
x first friday stuff.
read bug manual
switch greg's lock
and i might have an offer on the house.
get shell no pest strips from walmart.
clincard blance = $685.
x 1) $500 certified check hoosier homes
x 2) post office?
3) could go to the electric company and water (gas) co to look for forged documents
x call medpace got in at medpace. at least alternate. (call kansas city clinic.)
x call jasper
check list; what else?
1.5) optional brad's flamingo
4) police report re richard patrick. find list of missing stuff.
spent $217 on bedbug stuff. deposited $1000 so net deposit is $200.
got numbers for car 49. dollar store didnt have bike locks.
make a comic. make a better list. bath, laundry.
email joe re tax sale.
install mattress cover, sheets.
pack for ohio
Saturday 4:15 white castle don't be late.
x first friday stuff.
read bug manual
switch greg's lock
and i might have an offer on the house.
get shell no pest strips from walmart.
clincard blance = $685.
Monday, July 01, 2013
to do: buy air conditioner $70 lock tool cabinet bedbugs buy mattress cover batteries for car locking gas cap. write down odometer readings minnows for joe look up hair sample drug test price write out list, tape to door get shorts out for summer buy drink mix email joe re tax sale police report pawn shop write a letter to mom caro book cles - call for info clean bedroom bring up clothes racks email jake make better list sort stationery cabinet clean papers off floor into folders.
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