Wednesday, August 21, 2013

1244 todo notes

storm windows
fix windowstill 1244 upstairs back room
remove trash
move items to keep to 4015
ugly paneling
paint or get wallpaper?
sand walls remove cracking paint.
inspect electric
screens for windows
keep track of any money spent - goes onto basis for house
file property tax appeal
turn on water
inspect for leaks, drainage issues.
get bottle of rootkill copper sulfate
snake for drain
replace bathtub 1242
mow lawn
ask kid next door if mow lawn for $20.
cracks in ceiling back bedroom
get up to attic, look around.
major repairs to ceiling front bedroom
email realtor re listing an valuation.
bring stepladder for ceiling.
scape paint in stirway
get furnace inspected
check for mice
sweep cobwebs
air out - get fan on high
scrape wallpaper in bathroom.
replace toilet seat
paint closet doors
paint living room ceiling.
front room walls.
get insurance from sam.

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

x  Rob,   Could you write our address  on these two letters and forward them?     ->  707 Phillips Ave, Knoxville, TN  37920..

weds daily task list 

check phone messages
call mom
noon meeting bar association
make better list
take pictures of house.
ask greg if camera on phone.
re-print sales agreement
draft motion to set aside default judgment in ticket
work on tort claims
law library
x clean bedroom - 10 minutes.
x  take out trash.
illusions tonight if tasks completed.

Thursday, August 08, 2013

start keeping a time log for the michigan case, with a running total:
daily, weekly, monthly, yearly subtotals.
5 minutes minimum billing increment: phone call to marc.
15 minutes kalamazoo law library obtained copy zwicler v koota $2. f supp.
1 hour lunch 12 m - 1pm lunch w marc @ indian buffet he paid ($22?)
1:15-1:30 coffee w marc water street
2:30-3 pm reading zwickler v koota.
2 1/4 hours so far. @ paralegal rate of $72/hr.
marc's time: at least 1.50 hours.
action items: met w his staff.
discussed client contact canons.
discussed fieger as potential plaintiff or cocounsel
discussed law review article.
discussed standing and merits of case in light of majors v abell
disussed billing arrangments and recordkeeping.
exchanged more information on personal and professional histories.
compare and cntrast immigration law issues with free speech cases.
mentioned john malfa as possible contact.

Wednesday, August 07, 2013

to do:
x write paul ogden
review list
lunch w marc.
contact 1 more realtor, either the one with the good sold list or the one who emailed me about valuation.
1244 list.
- pictures of each room. so buy disposable camera? pictures of back yard.
contact lawyer for h + h.
new: review new summons.
new: photos front and back of 4015. and 1244, for sam for insurance.

1244: list.
that is, list for sale
file tax appeal
greg's to do list
mow grass soon
clean street
get better map of neighborhood
begin cleaning, geting ready to fix stuff.

do: billing note from today's meetings with marc asche.
45 minutes am 12 things wrong with statute.

15 minutes minimum billing increment: phone call to marc.
15 minutes kalamazoo law library obtained copy zwicler v koota $2. f supp.
1 hour lunch 12 m - 1pm lunch w marc @ indian buffet he paid ($22?)
1:15-1:30 coffee w marc water street
2:30-3 pm reading zwickler v koota.
2 1/4 hours so far. @ paralegal rate of $72/hr.

marc's time: at least 1.50 hours.
action items: met w his staff.
discussed client contact canons.
discussed fieger as potential plaintiff or cocounsel
discussed law review article.
discussed standing and merits of case in light of majors v abell
disussed billing arrangments and recordkeeping.
exchanged more information on personal and professional histories.
compare and cntrast immigration law issues with free speech cases.
mentioned john malfa as possible contact.

Thursday, August 01, 2013

finishing the study tomorrow except for the return.
today, worked on alaska complaint. worked midnight to 1 am, 

and two hours now. (6-8 pm 8/1/2013)
yesterday mostly worked on texas and tennesee.
wrote to lawyer, wrote to joe D, possible alabama plaintiff.
15 minutes discussing case w joe d.