didn't get much done today.
made a list.
didnt pay the electric bill, tried.
bought a mouse $5.
continued cleaning my room.
didn't do laundry,
didn't call mom.
got oil, couldn't get the hood open.
couldnt find my keys, didnt go to the post office.
did the recycling
sorted flashlights
talked with helen
this is not a public blog, just a place hwere i can leave myself notes. nothing to see here folks, move along.
Wednesday, December 24, 2014
Sunday, December 21, 2014
Virginia Avenue, Indianapolis, IN 46203
2828 East 10th Street, Indianapolis, IN 4620
2828 East 10th Street, Indianapolis, IN 4620
14 North Highland Avenue, Indianapolis, IN 46202
14 North Highland Avenue, Indianapolis, IN 46202
3045 West Vermont Street, Indianapolis, IN 46222
3045 West Vermont Street, Indianapolis, IN 46222
House of the Little Flower
61 N Warman Ave
Indianapolis IN 46222
Community Development Corporation
West Michigan Street
Indiana, 46222
justice center
W. Washington St. 46222
BOX 30004
IN 46230
Maltese Tiger.
Spruce St. Indianapolis, IN 46203
Namaste Plaza
9546 Allisonville Rd ,
Namaste Plaza
9546 Allisonville Rd ,
IN 46250,
Amelia's bakery
Amelia's bakery
653 Virginia Avenue, Indianapolis, IN 46203
pogues run
2828 East 10th Street, Indianapolis, IN 4620
2828 East 10th Street, Indianapolis, IN 4620
dove house
14 North Highland Avenue, Indianapolis, IN 46202
14 North Highland Avenue, Indianapolis, IN 46202
seven steeples
3045 West Vermont Street, Indianapolis, IN 46222
3045 West Vermont Street, Indianapolis, IN 46222
catholic worker
House of the Little Flower
61 N Warman Ave
Indianapolis IN 46222
House of the Little Flower
61 N Warman Ave
Indianapolis IN 46222
phil votah
Westside Community Development Corporation
2232 West Michigan Street
Indianapolis Indiana, 46222
worker justice center
worker justice center
1734 W. Washington St. 46222
Radiate Church
PO BOX 30004
Indianapolis, IN 46230
The Maltese Tiger.
1118 Spruce St. Indianapolis, IN 46203
Namaste Plaza
9546 Allisonville Rd , Indianapolis, IN 46250,
Namaste Plaza
9546 Allisonville Rd , Indianapolis, IN 46250,
Saturday, December 20, 2014
Friday, December 19, 2014
list of fnb donors
2nd helpings
trader joes
that indian place (92nd st?)
the bakery
guy who gave us the fridge
cory (fridge)
7 steeples
worker justice center
bands who played at our benefits
sweet poison victim
karn's farm
catholic worker (fridge)
marion county bar association (fridge, office supplies)
Kim (legal services)
Riley Development Corporation
Keith McHenry
(stdent goup at iupui)
that church that sent 50 volunteers
KI Ecocenter
this is the tip of the iceberg but its ones i could think of offhand
events and accomplsihments
letter might look something like this
This has been a big year for the indianapolis chapter of food not bombs.
We are writing to say thank you to a few of the businesses, groups and people who have helped us out this year. Indy's FNB was reformed last year by James Mostcato, Xander Gueryn and others. Since then, we have provided a free meal Saturday at noon at the American Legion Mall at Pennsylvania and St Clair for anyone who ants to come, serving between 20 and 80 people a week.
We also provided meals and groceries to the west side on Sundays at the Worker Justice Center, and helped cater a number of special events including Moral Mondays, (power and light protest), WarmFest, (burning man event) [list other events]
We were able to find kitchen space to use, and our 2015 plans focus around trying to rent to buy an old church in Fountain Square where we can build a proper kitchen of our own.
Our 501c3 tax number is ___, and if you would like us to send any additional documentation itemizing you donations this tax year, please let us know. Thanks for you support this year. We couldn't have done it without you.
The Food Not Bombs crew
2nd helpings
trader joes
that indian place (92nd st?)
the bakery
guy who gave us the fridge
cory (fridge)
7 steeples
worker justice center
bands who played at our benefits
sweet poison victim
karn's farm
catholic worker (fridge)
marion county bar association (fridge, office supplies)
Kim (legal services)
Riley Development Corporation
Keith McHenry
(stdent goup at iupui)
that church that sent 50 volunteers
KI Ecocenter
this is the tip of the iceberg but its ones i could think of offhand
events and accomplsihments
letter might look something like this
This has been a big year for the indianapolis chapter of food not bombs.
We are writing to say thank you to a few of the businesses, groups and people who have helped us out this year. Indy's FNB was reformed last year by James Mostcato, Xander Gueryn and others. Since then, we have provided a free meal Saturday at noon at the American Legion Mall at Pennsylvania and St Clair for anyone who ants to come, serving between 20 and 80 people a week.
We also provided meals and groceries to the west side on Sundays at the Worker Justice Center, and helped cater a number of special events including Moral Mondays, (power and light protest), WarmFest, (burning man event) [list other events]
We were able to find kitchen space to use, and our 2015 plans focus around trying to rent to buy an old church in Fountain Square where we can build a proper kitchen of our own.
Our 501c3 tax number is ___, and if you would like us to send any additional documentation itemizing you donations this tax year, please let us know. Thanks for you support this year. We couldn't have done it without you.
The Food Not Bombs crew
notes on indiana servesafe
http://www.in.gov/isdh/21059.htm list of servesafe providers
$140. frequent classes. so probably go with this one.
http://www.in.gov/isdh/21059.htm list of servesafe providers
$140. frequent classes. so probably go with this one.
Wednesday, December 17, 2014
Tuesday, December 16, 2014
to do:
review google dive docs on llc nonpofit
think about how to fix struk key
make better list
go thru old lists
make a new bsiness/old business list.
a personal agenda.
it's december 16th, how much of my shit can i get together by the end of the year?
clean room, put food downstairs.
email (william? guy who came to dinner.)
go thru gmail, look for action items.
sort out rents at 4015.
when is nemo due?
how much does mark owe?
get kevin hart some medical/dental care.
xmas cards
make list.
work on thank you letters lists for fnb.
texas taxes $600.
irs, indiana taxes, poperty taxes, fine for 4015
Vanderburgh County
Delaware County
Marion County
contact tod about 4015, 1244.
werle problems
add rent a friend to blog links.
review google dive docs on llc nonpofit
think about how to fix struk key
make better list
go thru old lists
make a new bsiness/old business list.
a personal agenda.
it's december 16th, how much of my shit can i get together by the end of the year?
clean room, put food downstairs.
email (william? guy who came to dinner.)
go thru gmail, look for action items.
sort out rents at 4015.
when is nemo due?
how much does mark owe?
get kevin hart some medical/dental care.
xmas cards
make list.
work on thank you letters lists for fnb.
texas taxes $600.
irs, indiana taxes, poperty taxes, fine for 4015
Vanderburgh County
Delaware County
Marion County
contact tod about 4015, 1244.
werle problems
add rent a friend to blog links.
Monday, December 15, 2014
1966 volvo Amazon wagon rare - $2850 (radcliff)
1995 volvo 740 - $1500 (7734782552)
1994 Volvo 850 Wagon - $1500 (Terre Haute) green
1989 Volvo 240DL Stationwagon - $1100 (Ann Arbor, MI)
http://cincinnati.craigslist.org/cto/4717231396.html manual trans
1991 Volvo 940 turbo wagon - $1250 (east louisville)
Volvo 740 driver side rear tail light $20 (Columbus, OH) pic auto parts - by owner
http://columbus.craigslist.org/cto/4755703192.html $900 2001 s40
http://columbus.craigslist.org/cto/4755703192.html $900 2001 s40
Sunday, December 14, 2014
put unfrozen ice ream, refrozen i mean, in a food processor then refreeze again. voila, ice cream
stale baggettes? run them under cold water then 5 minutes in a hot oven.
put unfrozen ice ream, refrozen i mean, in a food processor then refreeze again. voila, ice cream
stale baggettes? run them under cold water then 5 minutes in a hot oven.
Saturday, December 13, 2014
toxoplasmosis test $60 now i ant find the link
make $1000/wk if you have toxo recent infection, give plasma
action items: 1. get toxo screening. $60. just so i would know. i seem to fit the profile, but that's usually the case of reading stuff online. introverted. fearless. sloppy dresser.
2. develop business plan for finding recently infected people, sell their antibodies for $$.
3. issue of $160 uncollected from plasma enter, i signed a consent form that promised a $200 payment.
4: ridiculous business plan: get people to contract toxo, sell plasma for $1000/wk.
also works if can recruit for other diseases. some do not require recent infection.
make $1000/wk if you have toxo recent infection, give plasma
action items: 1. get toxo screening. $60. just so i would know. i seem to fit the profile, but that's usually the case of reading stuff online. introverted. fearless. sloppy dresser.
2. develop business plan for finding recently infected people, sell their antibodies for $$.
3. issue of $160 uncollected from plasma enter, i signed a consent form that promised a $200 payment.
4: ridiculous business plan: get people to contract toxo, sell plasma for $1000/wk.
also works if can recruit for other diseases. some do not require recent infection.
P: (317) 290-2308
F: (317) 328-2646
Days / Hours:
P: (317) 290-2308
F: (317) 328-2646
Days / Hours:
- 8:00AM-4:30PM 8AM-12NOON 12:00-1:00PM 8:30AM-11:30A 1:00PM-4:00PM
Thursday, December 11, 2014
i didnt get muh done today.
i went to the post offie for the medpae form. my C key is stuk.
my starter seemed to be going out so i went home instead of doing laundry.
dove, vacuumed, took out trash and compost, washed dishes, tossed moldy bread. sorted potatoes. put away dishes.
a couple emails. watered the plants, sorted dead plants.
still to do: sort fridges, revise lease option, make a comic, take 48 to 2nd helpings.
i went to the post offie for the medpae form. my C key is stuk.
my starter seemed to be going out so i went home instead of doing laundry.
dove, vacuumed, took out trash and compost, washed dishes, tossed moldy bread. sorted potatoes. put away dishes.
a couple emails. watered the plants, sorted dead plants.
still to do: sort fridges, revise lease option, make a comic, take 48 to 2nd helpings.
Monday, December 08, 2014
wednesday: x get the fk up!
x 1 bath.
x 2.dinner 7:30 my turn to cook. chores. dinner went well. 2 guests.
3. clean car before dark didnt get done.
4. call mom
5. figure out mark's rent. go by 4015. laundry.
6. make a comic.
7. werle situation
8 cases
9 club tonight if chores done. maybe
10 dive 2nd helpings. next.
11 if see sukie, get names/address of that 18 year old couple she lives next to.
12, work on offer for church
to do: sort room, find source of smell, deal with. pt away laundry. get rid of couch. make better shelves? inventory food in pantry. move all food downstairs. clear hall. vacuum hall. work on bucket area.
did wednesday:
made dinner. washed dishes, took out trash, compost, recycling, dove 3 dumpsters.
didnt vacuum, didnt pick up trash outside, didnt all mom
went to 3 clubs, spent ~50.
x 1 bath.
x 2.dinner 7:30 my turn to cook. chores. dinner went well. 2 guests.
3. clean car before dark didnt get done.
4. call mom
5. figure out mark's rent. go by 4015. laundry.
6. make a comic.
7. werle situation
8 cases
9 club tonight if chores done. maybe
10 dive 2nd helpings. next.
11 if see sukie, get names/address of that 18 year old couple she lives next to.
12, work on offer for church
to do: sort room, find source of smell, deal with. pt away laundry. get rid of couch. make better shelves? inventory food in pantry. move all food downstairs. clear hall. vacuum hall. work on bucket area.
tuesday i mean. jim's car. tow w cords. done!
still Tues fix muffler in cumberland if early enough. might sleep thru that.
taxes, ask that local guy. or h +r b. or liberty.
work on accounts.
recieved $220 rent, bill mark for more rent, look up when did he move in.
make a comic.
work on werle situation.
go by talbot.
talk to kevin.
plan furnaces for church.
offer for church.
make better list.
delaware county records and disclaimer.
write letters to prisoners?
call mom.
clean car.
recycling, compost daily, chores.
did wednesday:
made dinner. washed dishes, took out trash, compost, recycling, dove 3 dumpsters.
didnt vacuum, didnt pick up trash outside, didnt all mom
went to 3 clubs, spent ~50.

Saturday, December 06, 2014
best case scenario.
20 rooms x 300/mo = 6,000/mo - 1000/mo for utilities = $5000/mo at full capacity + 700 church rent =
5700/mo - 700 interest payment, = 5000/mo x 15 months = 75K + deposits = 85000.
so we would need to borrow 25K to pay off at end of year. doable.
this assumes full paid occupancy which is an unreasonable assumption.
also assume 9 people at 2226 x $300/mo = 2700/mo - 1000 rent - 400/mo ut. = 1300/mo toward equity = 13000 for the year (or 15000 if x 12) so only need 10K more, which we could pass the hat or i could loan.
this assumes no income from rent parties, art gallery, church rental for weddings, etc. it would be possible to budget $800/mo from such functions, resulting in paying off whole thing in 1 year.
average scenario:
15 rooms at 300/mo = 4500/mo - 1000 utilities = 3500/mo x 12 months = 42,000
+ 500/mo carryover from 2226 = 6000 =48,000 means balance of 27000 at end of year to excercise option.
means we have 12 months to raise about $2000 each to pay it off in cash, or e borrow it as a 12 month business loan from a credit union.
bad scenario: only 5 of us move over, we blow our money on the furnace and utils, UU doesnt rent the church, we dont fill the spots at 2226 so there is no money there to kick in, we still need around $65K at the end of the year, we borrow that with a cosigner at 4%.
20 rooms x 300/mo = 6,000/mo - 1000/mo for utilities = $5000/mo at full capacity + 700 church rent =
5700/mo - 700 interest payment, = 5000/mo x 15 months = 75K + deposits = 85000.
so we would need to borrow 25K to pay off at end of year. doable.
this assumes full paid occupancy which is an unreasonable assumption.
also assume 9 people at 2226 x $300/mo = 2700/mo - 1000 rent - 400/mo ut. = 1300/mo toward equity = 13000 for the year (or 15000 if x 12) so only need 10K more, which we could pass the hat or i could loan.
this assumes no income from rent parties, art gallery, church rental for weddings, etc. it would be possible to budget $800/mo from such functions, resulting in paying off whole thing in 1 year.
average scenario:
15 rooms at 300/mo = 4500/mo - 1000 utilities = 3500/mo x 12 months = 42,000
+ 500/mo carryover from 2226 = 6000 =48,000 means balance of 27000 at end of year to excercise option.
means we have 12 months to raise about $2000 each to pay it off in cash, or e borrow it as a 12 month business loan from a credit union.
bad scenario: only 5 of us move over, we blow our money on the furnace and utils, UU doesnt rent the church, we dont fill the spots at 2226 so there is no money there to kick in, we still need around $65K at the end of the year, we borrow that with a cosigner at 4%.
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