x 1 bank
3 cases
x 4 i forget? bert tickets.
clean front yard
be aware of envelope
back yard
1116 case files - start here
doctor/cancer screening.
replace credit cards
x go to morty's and buy tickets.
x critique kevin's resume
this is not a public blog, just a place hwere i can leave myself notes. nothing to see here folks, move along.
Wednesday, January 31, 2018
Legacy House
Legacy House is a nonprofit organization established in 2001 with the support of the Health & Hospital Corporation of Marion County to provide no cost trauma counseling and advocacy services to victims of violence. Legacy House provides a full range of victim services to families and individuals. Our counseling services are focused on addressing the resulting long-term trauma of violence and include crisis intervention, individual and family counseling, and support groups. We also provide victim advocacy services such as courtroom support, assistance with preparing petitions for emergency protective orders and victim compensation applications, shelter and social service referrals, and other support unique to the individual needs of our clients.
A victim of trauma caused by violence may have many needs that they are unable to address without help. Legacy House provides that support, and our staff offers a healing presence to help clients move from victim to survivor to thriver.
If you or someone you know needs help for trauma caused by violence, call us at (317) 554-5272 for more information or to schedule an appointment.
Legacy House is located in the lower level of the EskenaziCenter North Arlington, 2505 North Arlington Avenue, Indianapolis, Indiana 46128.
For more information, check us out on Facebook
View a virtual tour and testimonials of hope.
Tuesday, January 30, 2018
Sunday, January 28, 2018
One process is the ammonia pressure leach, in which nickel is recovered from solution using hydrogen reduction, and the sulfur is recovered as ammonium sulfate for use as fertilizer.
so if the sulphur can be precipitated out of the seawater brine, it has a market.
nickel 12,000 a ton, price fluctuates a lot. see also cobalt mining.
In electrorefining, the nickel is deposited onto pure nickel cathodes from sulfate or chloride solutions. This is done in electrolytic cells equipped with diaphragm compartments to prevent the passage of impurities from anode to cathode.
The price of refined cobalt has fluctuated in the past year from $20,000 to $26,000 a ton.
mined by child labor in congo.
so if the sulphur can be precipitated out of the seawater brine, it has a market.
nickel 12,000 a ton, price fluctuates a lot. see also cobalt mining.
In electrorefining, the nickel is deposited onto pure nickel cathodes from sulfate or chloride solutions. This is done in electrolytic cells equipped with diaphragm compartments to prevent the passage of impurities from anode to cathode.
The price of refined cobalt has fluctuated in the past year from $20,000 to $26,000 a ton.
Cobalt demand for lithium-ion batteries is expected to double by 2025

Source: Christophe Pillot, Avicenne Energy
The cobalt price was falling, even as battery demand shot up. The price of lithium, another key battery material, was skyrocketing.
mined by child labor in congo.
Saturday, January 27, 2018
New UNIC Pony Ground Automatic 1 Group Espresso Machine #PNYG
Unic Pony Espresso Automatic 1 Group Espresso Coffee Machine! Compact multi-boiler espresso maker. Pony Unique Features Automatic safety shut-down when water runs out, Stainless steel finished, 3 Liter water tank.
Brand: UNICNew Unic Pony Pod #PNYP Compact Automatic Single Group Espresso Coffee Machine
Model # PNYP. UNIC Patented rotating filter holder system automatically expels. Pony Pod Unique Features: 7 gram hard pod espresso maker. the used coffee pod into the waste basket. Easy milk frothing makes.
Iva Toguri, better known as “Tokyo Rose,” was born in Los Angeles on July 4, 1916. After college, she visited Japan and was stranded there after the attack on Pearl Harbor. Forced to renounce her U.S. citizenship, Toguri found work in radio and was asked to host “Zero Hour,” a propaganda and entertainment program aimed at U.S. soldiers. After the war, she was returned to the U.S. and convicted of treason, serving 6 years in prison. Gerald Ford pardoned Tokyo Rose in 1976 and she died in 2006
perhaps it was a different tokyo rose who was a counteragent?
perhaps it was a different tokyo rose who was a counteragent?
- Lithium replaced by other chemistries. Unlikely, as no other technology is as compelling as lithium. Plus, lithium itself is only 2-5% of the cost of manufacturing lithium batteries. You can view the battery cost breakup here.
so that just rocked my world - i'd been assuming the cost of the lithium battery was due to the lithium.
In contrast, a lithium-ion battery for an electric vehicle can range between $7,000 and $20,000, making it by far the most expensive item in the cost of the vehicle. So what drives these cost figures?
Today’s metric stands near $200 /kWh (or $0.20 /Wh) for consumer-grade batteries, and the cost continues to decline. See this earlier post to learn how these costs declined by 10X from 1995 to 2015, primarily as a result of increasing installed battery manufacturing capacity. Cost of lithium-ion batteries for electric cars is also declining…recent announcements from General Motors suggest a cost of $145 /kWh for their EVs declining to $100 /kWh in 2021. Now that’s GM’s numbers and they don’t necessarily reflect the cost structure for all EV makers — albeit it is highly rumored that Tesla’s figures are in the same vicinity. At $145 /kWh, the estimated cost of the lithium-ion battery of the newly announced Chevy Bolt is $8,700, plus an additional $3,000 for the pack electronics, for a total of nearly $12,000 — not too bad for an electric car that is advertised to go 200 miles and priced at about $40,000 before government incentives.
Overhead costs are, however, much more significant at 30% — they include depreciation of the capital, energy costs, R&D, sales and administrative…etc.
The material costs are by far the largest contributors — about 60% of the total cost. For lithium-ion batteries made using lithium-cobalt oxide cathodes (LCO, used in consumer devices) or nickel-cobalt-aluminum cathodes (NCA, used in Tesla), the price of raw cobalt is a major component, presently priced at $10.88 per lb. That translates to nearly $10 to $15 /kWh just for the cost of raw material for the cathode — before processing and manufacturing. If you are wondering about cobalt sources, mines in Africa are the largest production sites. The good news are that cobalt pricing is at its lowest since it hit a peak of $50 per lb in 2007, and the US Department of Energy does not deem its supply at risk.
So possible solution: gigafactory in africa to mine cobalt while making solar panels and batteries. so to do, research cobalt mining.
To do: get to work on writing an article for tesla motors club about how tesla might be bringing down the cost of the battery.
Start with the chart.
Then a catchy lede.
To oversimplify, the battery has two costs, materials (60%), and overhead (40%).
In more detail, the costs include profit, capital recovery through depreciation, overhead generally, which might include r&d, sales, administration, taxes, labor,
and materials, including for the cathode, anode, electrolyte fluid, case, and "other".
In addition to the lithium (as a chloride), cobalt, nickel, and aluminum are used. Cobalt, per pound, is about three times as expensive as lithium. I do not yet know the relative weights used. We could then factor in price per pound to see what the cost factors of the battery are per mineral.
Extrapolating from things Elon Musk has said, I think he will drive the overhead costs towards zero. I discuss some specifics below.
However, overhead costs are no more than 40%.
So, for the moment, materials costs are the limiting factor.
Musk has claimed he will drive the price of the battery pack in half for the new models such as the roadster2 and the truck.
Analysts such as Ben Sullins [ceo of] are wondering if Musk is counting on a new technology or new kind of battery.
I lean more toward thinking Musk can get at least halfway to his goal using his current bag of tricks (automation, economies of scale, PV electrification.) (He could then handwave the rest; that is, if he only brought the cost down 1/3, he could still claim victory.)
This is not to say there won't be technology developments in batteries over the next 3 years, outside of Tesla. Circa 1920, the lead-acid battery created a plateau for automotive batteries, that remains dominant even today for ice vehicles.
Moore's law has come late to the battery world. But lithium batteries are replacing lead, and there has beeen a new focus on basic research and then commercialization.
Iron edison, for example, is doing interesting stuff.
When I started research for this article a week ago, I mistakenly thought the main price component of a lithium-ion battery would be the lithium.
So I went on a deep dive about lithium brine processing in california and argentina. Lithium is currently about $3/lb. A few years ago, it was $1. $7 is possible due to enhanced demand for electric car batteries which will triple demand by 2022,
but I think it can be restored to the $1-$2 per pound range by application of Tesla-type engineering.
But it turns out that's a sideshow because the costs of the battery are elsewhere. So how to lower the costs of lithium brine mining is no longer the focus of this article.
I am no chemist. My father's doctorate was in chemistry, mine is in law. So this article is from a layman's perspective.
I hope to get input from those with a better grasp of science than I have, for a later 2.0 version of this article.
[I will need to re-sort the order of the paragraphs in this article for better flow. this is a first draft; it's nowhere near ready to post. note to self do not post till ready.]
Key materials include cobalt, nickel, aluminum, and lithium.
In the long term, Musk runs both Tesla and SpaceX, and will be sending ships to mars. It is reasonable to think he'll head to the asteriod belt and grab a mountain of nickel-iron, and solve his materials needs. But that long term is beyond the scope of this paper; I am looking at the 2018-2024 range mostly.
Currently as far as I know Tesla buys its cobalt, nickel, aluminum, and lithium on the open market, rather than producing any in-house.
So far I know nothing about cobalt except that it is mined in africa.
So I'm guessing that electrification and automation and economies of scale could be applied. Sit a gigafactory over a cobalt mine, output cobalt, fertilizer, clean drinking water, internet, electricty, and via that internet deliver education and perhaps discounted tesla sales and health care to the locals.
Cobalt mining proably has a set of byproducts which could be pollution or valuable resources if handled right. Ideally the byproducts pay for the operation, with cobalt as a free output.
But all that's just a guess, extrapolating from what I found with lithium.
Nickel: no idea, except as above: electrify with solar, automate, scale up volume, market byproducts.
The other way to get nickel is have an AI robot sort through us currency for nickel, copper, silver, still in some old coins.
Meanwhile it pays for itself by locating the rare old collectable coin.
Aluminum is made from sand; is it basalt? I meant bauxite. Aluminum silicate oxides are commonplace in the earth's crust; these are not rare minerals. The main cost is the electric power to remove the oxides. Alumium can function as a battery, a form of .. forget what called. fuel cell.
And Musk is a guy who thinks he can make his own power cheaper, so making his own aluminum makes sense. He can build a PV plant in California, sell the power to LA during peak hours, and use it to smelt bauxite the rest of the time, fixing the "duck curve" problem. Daily and seasonal energy price fluctuations can be smoothed out this way.
This will be capital intensive. That capital should be raised and spent seperately from Tesla, by a subsidiary, let's call it Besla.
Besla buys PV panels from Tesla's gigafactory, uses its tesla truck to ship to CA, till it has a big power grid, to either run the smelter or sell to the open market, or lock in a contract as a peaking power plant. Enough batteries to handle sending the whole day's output to LA during peak hours.
Later, more panels can be added so the plant runs all the time anyway. But the initial financing is as a peaking power plant.
In contrast, a lithium-ion battery for an electric vehicle can range between $7,000 and $20,000, making it by far the most expensive item in the cost of the vehicle. So what drives these cost figures?
Today’s metric stands near $200 /kWh (or $0.20 /Wh) for consumer-grade batteries, and the cost continues to decline. See this earlier post to learn how these costs declined by 10X from 1995 to 2015, primarily as a result of increasing installed battery manufacturing capacity. Cost of lithium-ion batteries for electric cars is also declining…recent announcements from General Motors suggest a cost of $145 /kWh for their EVs declining to $100 /kWh in 2021. Now that’s GM’s numbers and they don’t necessarily reflect the cost structure for all EV makers — albeit it is highly rumored that Tesla’s figures are in the same vicinity. At $145 /kWh, the estimated cost of the lithium-ion battery of the newly announced Chevy Bolt is $8,700, plus an additional $3,000 for the pack electronics, for a total of nearly $12,000 — not too bad for an electric car that is advertised to go 200 miles and priced at about $40,000 before government incentives.
Overhead costs are, however, much more significant at 30% — they include depreciation of the capital, energy costs, R&D, sales and administrative…etc.
The material costs are by far the largest contributors — about 60% of the total cost. For lithium-ion batteries made using lithium-cobalt oxide cathodes (LCO, used in consumer devices) or nickel-cobalt-aluminum cathodes (NCA, used in Tesla), the price of raw cobalt is a major component, presently priced at $10.88 per lb. That translates to nearly $10 to $15 /kWh just for the cost of raw material for the cathode — before processing and manufacturing. If you are wondering about cobalt sources, mines in Africa are the largest production sites. The good news are that cobalt pricing is at its lowest since it hit a peak of $50 per lb in 2007, and the US Department of Energy does not deem its supply at risk.
So possible solution: gigafactory in africa to mine cobalt while making solar panels and batteries. so to do, research cobalt mining.
To do: get to work on writing an article for tesla motors club about how tesla might be bringing down the cost of the battery.
Start with the chart.
Then a catchy lede.
To oversimplify, the battery has two costs, materials (60%), and overhead (40%).
In more detail, the costs include profit, capital recovery through depreciation, overhead generally, which might include r&d, sales, administration, taxes, labor,
and materials, including for the cathode, anode, electrolyte fluid, case, and "other".
In addition to the lithium (as a chloride), cobalt, nickel, and aluminum are used. Cobalt, per pound, is about three times as expensive as lithium. I do not yet know the relative weights used. We could then factor in price per pound to see what the cost factors of the battery are per mineral.
Extrapolating from things Elon Musk has said, I think he will drive the overhead costs towards zero. I discuss some specifics below.
However, overhead costs are no more than 40%.
So, for the moment, materials costs are the limiting factor.
Musk has claimed he will drive the price of the battery pack in half for the new models such as the roadster2 and the truck.
Analysts such as Ben Sullins [ceo of] are wondering if Musk is counting on a new technology or new kind of battery.
I lean more toward thinking Musk can get at least halfway to his goal using his current bag of tricks (automation, economies of scale, PV electrification.) (He could then handwave the rest; that is, if he only brought the cost down 1/3, he could still claim victory.)
This is not to say there won't be technology developments in batteries over the next 3 years, outside of Tesla. Circa 1920, the lead-acid battery created a plateau for automotive batteries, that remains dominant even today for ice vehicles.
Moore's law has come late to the battery world. But lithium batteries are replacing lead, and there has beeen a new focus on basic research and then commercialization.
Iron edison, for example, is doing interesting stuff.
When I started research for this article a week ago, I mistakenly thought the main price component of a lithium-ion battery would be the lithium.
So I went on a deep dive about lithium brine processing in california and argentina. Lithium is currently about $3/lb. A few years ago, it was $1. $7 is possible due to enhanced demand for electric car batteries which will triple demand by 2022,
but I think it can be restored to the $1-$2 per pound range by application of Tesla-type engineering.
But it turns out that's a sideshow because the costs of the battery are elsewhere. So how to lower the costs of lithium brine mining is no longer the focus of this article.
I am no chemist. My father's doctorate was in chemistry, mine is in law. So this article is from a layman's perspective.
I hope to get input from those with a better grasp of science than I have, for a later 2.0 version of this article.
[I will need to re-sort the order of the paragraphs in this article for better flow. this is a first draft; it's nowhere near ready to post. note to self do not post till ready.]
Key materials include cobalt, nickel, aluminum, and lithium.
In the long term, Musk runs both Tesla and SpaceX, and will be sending ships to mars. It is reasonable to think he'll head to the asteriod belt and grab a mountain of nickel-iron, and solve his materials needs. But that long term is beyond the scope of this paper; I am looking at the 2018-2024 range mostly.
Currently as far as I know Tesla buys its cobalt, nickel, aluminum, and lithium on the open market, rather than producing any in-house.
So far I know nothing about cobalt except that it is mined in africa.
So I'm guessing that electrification and automation and economies of scale could be applied. Sit a gigafactory over a cobalt mine, output cobalt, fertilizer, clean drinking water, internet, electricty, and via that internet deliver education and perhaps discounted tesla sales and health care to the locals.
Cobalt mining proably has a set of byproducts which could be pollution or valuable resources if handled right. Ideally the byproducts pay for the operation, with cobalt as a free output.
But all that's just a guess, extrapolating from what I found with lithium.
Nickel: no idea, except as above: electrify with solar, automate, scale up volume, market byproducts.
The other way to get nickel is have an AI robot sort through us currency for nickel, copper, silver, still in some old coins.
Meanwhile it pays for itself by locating the rare old collectable coin.
Aluminum is made from sand; is it basalt? I meant bauxite. Aluminum silicate oxides are commonplace in the earth's crust; these are not rare minerals. The main cost is the electric power to remove the oxides. Alumium can function as a battery, a form of .. forget what called. fuel cell.
And Musk is a guy who thinks he can make his own power cheaper, so making his own aluminum makes sense. He can build a PV plant in California, sell the power to LA during peak hours, and use it to smelt bauxite the rest of the time, fixing the "duck curve" problem. Daily and seasonal energy price fluctuations can be smoothed out this way.
This will be capital intensive. That capital should be raised and spent seperately from Tesla, by a subsidiary, let's call it Besla.
Besla buys PV panels from Tesla's gigafactory, uses its tesla truck to ship to CA, till it has a big power grid, to either run the smelter or sell to the open market, or lock in a contract as a peaking power plant. Enough batteries to handle sending the whole day's output to LA during peak hours.
Later, more panels can be added so the plant runs all the time anyway. But the initial financing is as a peaking power plant.
100% of the alumimun output goes to tesla, so no need for a sales division, pretty much everything automated. So it's a utility that outputs aluminum. But wait. Aluminum is basically a big battery in itself. So the process can be run backwards to power LA in an emergency. So it makes CA grid more robust. What is the efficiency loss of turing from aloxide to al3 and back? I don't know.
All this could be sited, either at a bauxite mine, or at the california lithium salt sites that are ripe for a gigafactory anyway. the problem there would be transporting the bauxite ore. might be impractical.
note to self: seasteading, brine, desalination, seasteading platform can fill tankers with fresh water, while another tanker, parked, holds the brine for processing to magnesium, potassium, calcium, lithium, etc.
with greenhouses, fresh water, potassium, calcium, and trace minerals, the seasteaders are well on the way to having dirt to grow crops in. nitrogen? they can use their own or harvest seaweeds for nitrogen? grow nitrogen-fixing crops like alfalfa.
by products include seeds and sprouts. possibly sprout juice.
a simple method of concentrating calcium from seawater biologically is the oyster. as a byproduct you get cleaner water, and pearls, and food.
a seasteading platform could be a series of greenhouses. in this one, there's oysters, in this one, there's oyster mushrooms, in this one, roses, in this one, alfalfa, in this one, hemp or tobacco or tomatoes or peanuts. in this one, worms, in this one, lobsters, catfish, koi, orchids, bristlecone pine, crickets. getting off track.
in this one, there's bacteria precipitating out chemicals such as manganese Mg, calcium Ca potassium K sulphates (S...) lithium Li and so forth. I don't know if there are bacteria to concentrate strontium, boron, aluminum, need to review my chart of the trace minerals.
in this one, there's bacteria precipitating out chemicals such as manganese Mg, calcium Ca potassium K sulphates (S...) lithium Li and so forth. I don't know if there are bacteria to concentrate strontium, boron, aluminum, need to review my chart of the trace minerals.
Water purification[edit]
Graphite oxides were studied for desalination of water using reverse osmosis beginning in the 1960s.[55] In 2011 additional research was released.[56]
In 2013 Lockheed Martin announced their Perforene graphene filter. Lockheed claims the filter reduces energy costs of reverse osmosis desalination by 99%. Lockheed claimed that the filter was 500 times thinner than the best filter then on the market, one thousand times stronger and requires 1% of the pressure.[57] The product was not expected to be released until 2020.[58]
update, claims debunked.
update, claims debunked.
Friday, January 26, 2018
graphene oxide can now be used for desalination. need to scale this up and integrate it into my previous ideas.
graphene oxide can now be used for desalination. need to scale this up and integrate it into my previous ideas.
did friday
charged fone
$50 dollar store
$20 goodwill
$20 kevin
$6 tommy
got an ari berman rolling stone article posted to hasen
met w xander. gave him a sewing machine.
emailed psilo but he's too busy to stop by.
washed a dish.
helped clean the back yard
made a list.
changed the bateeries in the remote
watched tim ferris videos
dawn is in hospital
old lady is dying.
$50 dollar store
$20 goodwill
pink shirt brooks brothers
3 books 3 bios.
pressure cooker
$20 kevin - cleaned back yard
$6 tommy cigarettes and coffee
dinner is cod provencal au rice et ratatoulle
still to do: clean back yard more. forgot to go to aaa. did buy aaa batteries.
charged fone
$50 dollar store
$20 goodwill
$20 kevin
$6 tommy
got an ari berman rolling stone article posted to hasen
met w xander. gave him a sewing machine.
emailed psilo but he's too busy to stop by.
washed a dish.
helped clean the back yard
made a list.
changed the bateeries in the remote
watched tim ferris videos
dawn is in hospital
old lady is dying.
$50 dollar store
$20 goodwill
pink shirt brooks brothers
3 books 3 bios.
pressure cooker
$20 kevin - cleaned back yard
$6 tommy cigarettes and coffee
dinner is cod provencal au rice et ratatoulle
still to do: clean back yard more. forgot to go to aaa. did buy aaa batteries.
Wednesday, January 24, 2018
Tuesday, January 23, 2018
Removal and recovery of lithium using various microorganisms. TakehikoTsurutaa
The accumulation of lithium by microorganisms was examined. Among the 70 strains of the 63 species tested (20 bacteria, 18 actinomycetes, 18 fungi, and 14 yeasts), a high lithium accumulating ability was exhibited by strains of the bacteria, Arthrobacter nicotianae and Brevibacterium helovolum. Lithium accumulation by A. nicotianae cells was strongly affected by the pH of the solution. The amount of accumulated lithium was maximum at pH 6. Cells immobilized with polyacrylamide gel also adsorbed lithium. They could be reused during repeated adsorptions, and adsorbed 548 μmol of lithium/g dry wt. cells. The adsorbed lithium was quantitatively and easily desorbed with 1 M hydrochloric acid using a column system.
Here is how the numbers work. Right now worldwide demand for finished lithium comes to around 160,000 tons a year and is expected to rise to 400,000 to 500,000 per year over the next decade. That means we need to bring around 25,000 tons of supply online per year, or about the output of a single mine. Hence, ten new mines are needed. - Forbes
current prices $3/lb. so $6K a ton.
x 100,000 tons , added demand more or less.
so $600 000 000. maybe$1Billion a year. so potentially large market.
so goal would be to produce it for $1.50/lb, ish.
In order of most to least:
Chloride | 35.4 | 18980 | 0.536158 |
Sodium | 23 | 10561 | 0.459174 |
Magnesium | 24.3 | 1272 | 0.052346 |
Sulfur | 32 | 884 | 0.027625 |
Calcium | 40 | 400 | 0.01 |
Potassium | 39.1 | 380 | 0.009719 |
Bromine | 79.9 | 65 | 0.000814 |
Carbon(inorganic) | 12 | 28 | 0.002333 |
Strontium | 87.6 | 13 | 0.000148 |
Boron | 10.8 | 4.6 | 0.000426 |
Silicon | 28.1 | 4 | 0.000142 |
Carbon (organic) | 12 | 3 | 0.00025 |
Aluminum | 27 | 1.9 | 0.00007 |
Fluorine | 19 | 1.4 | 0.000074 |
N as nitrate | 14 | 0.7 | 0.00005 |
Nitrogen (organic) | 14 | 0.2 | 0.000014 |
Rubidium | 85 | 0.2 | 0.0000024 |
Lithium | 6.9 | 0.1 | 0.000015 |
P as Phosphate | 31 | 0.1 | 0.0000032 |
Copper | 63.5 | 0.09 | 0.0000014 |
Barium | 137 | 0.05 | 0.00000037 |
Iodine | 126.9 | 0.05 | 0.00000039 |
N as nitrite | 14 | 0.05 | 0.0000036 |
N as ammonia | 14 | 0.05 | 0.0000036 |
Arsenic | 74.9 | 0.024 | 0.00000032 |
Iron | 55.8 | 0.02 | 0.00000036 |
P as organic | 31 | 0.016 | 0.00000052 |
Zinc | 65.4 | 0.014 | 0.00000021 |
Manganese | 54.9 | 0.01 | 0.00000018 |
Lead | 207.2 | 0.005 | 0.000000024 |
Selenium | 79 | 0.004 | 0.000000051 |
Tin | 118.7 | 0.003 | 0.000000025 |
Cesium | 132.9 | 0.002 | 0.000000015 |
Molybdenum | 95.9 | 0.002 | 0.000000021 |
Uranium | 238 | 0.0016 | 0.0000000067 |
Gallium | 69.7 | 0.0005 | 0.0000000072 |
Nickel | 58.7 | 0.0005 | 0.0000000085 |
Thorium | 232 | 0.0005 | 0.0000000022 |
Cerium | 140 | 0.0004 | 0.0000000029 |
Vanadium | 50.9 | 0.0003 | 0.0000000059 |
Lanthanum | 139.9 | 0.0003 | 0.0000000022 |
Yttrium | 88.9 | 0.0003 | 0.0000000034 |
Mercury | 200.6 | 0.0003 | 0.0000000015 |
Silver | 107.9 | 0.0003 | 0.0000000028 |
Bismuth | 209 | 0.0002 | 0.00000000096 |
Cobalt | 58.9 | 0.0001 | 0.0000000017 |
Gold | 197 | 0.000008 | 0.00000000004 |
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