Wednesday, July 17, 2024

 2 Bob and the request for documents.

3. Michelle’s case for bond reduction.  

4. Jail conditions case:

Look up aclu documents, complaints in jail cases. We can use that as a template for getting a joco complaint ready to file.


Sunday, July 07, 2024

 Monday 7/8/9/2024


review roofing budget, tarp, check rain situation.

confirm Jamison 

follow up letter to rev e smith sr. 


robbin: read complaint from Gupta. 

            review church emails.

swim at club for breakfast? put clubs in van.

check stock

Michelle: make lists, organize roofing, get a printer. review church contract. delegate tasks. 

Brian: let us send you some videos.

ducks in a row. fleet management.

status of the truck? 

miss, here is monopoly money for $300 for your work on the truck on your day off. 

I would like to lose this money to you at euchre over the next week, so that I look gullible. I'm a shill. 

My expectation is that within 3 weeks I will learn the game and stop losing.

Friday, July 05, 2024

 ideas for campaign signs

rainwater for governor

robbin stewart for township board

vote tuesday


if that's the sign, Mulholland  applies/ Mulholland was settled for 70k.

Wednesday, July 03, 2024

 test. I am back online.

I have some daily task list notes on my other computer. I I have been offline for a week because Michelle his the charger.

get jordan's records from city county building.

my tasks for the day:


storage unit, 11 am go to Jill's. 

ambulance for DC?

$50 for Pete if I can find him. (later, out;line more of my plans for pete's sake.)

pretrip inspection of company trucks.

write up service ticket for my van - lights, power steering, tire.. 

write up service ticket for truck - leaking gas tank, tire, brakes, anything else?

  ticket for van. inspect broken windshield. 

I am going to need a calendar of incidents such as the windshield, two recent burglaries, etc. 

robbin stewart

8:34 AM (4 minutes ago)
to Michelleme
thursday july 4 notes. 

my to do list for today includes

fireworks downtown tonight

did so far.

1. the dog i met last night got killed, so i disposed of the body. so i'm in kind of a shitty mood today, expect that. 
when you need a body disposed of, i'm your guy. 

2 loads laundry.

3. moved the ti tent. 

at the moment i am still waiting on my truck. i am very unhappy to see it back in the yard still notfixed. i took it to my tire ghuy for a reason.

you have the van key. i do not. i need a vehicle to get my work done.  we told that guy we were taking that fence, and it's very important to me, with a guy ;like that, that i do what i say i will do. it pisses me off when a first contact with a guy makes me look like i don't know what i am doing.

i need to sit down with you and explaiin the thing with the ducks and trucks. you dont seem to be getting it yet. i need to get my ducks in arow.

i would like to give you some negative feedback about your job performance, but only when we are both calm so it will be constructive.

otherwise i just bottle this stuff up.  let's make a to do list for about a week, and then every day we go over it. 

i need a daily email from you summarizing  what we did and did not get done.

when i give you an envelope with $500, what i need is an email within 24 hours settiing out where that money wen t so we can keep our books.

it's is july 4th. are you ready to go over june's books?

i will go to the dollar store and get a bag of bags, so i can bag and tag cigarette butts. 

danny showed up early, great attitude, gets stuff done. 

you guys can use the truck to move the trailer. expect a lot of screaming from dc. but fix the tire first.

and fill out a pretrip inspection report for the truck. which needs a number. i gues si nwill go to the auto stoere and buy some numbers to put on the trucks.
when i was out getting the windows, some guys said they want to buy the van i said bring me a written offer. 

do we have the title and keys ready to go?

this cold coffee at wendy's is pretty good, but i'm going to throw it away, i dont think i need caffiene today. 

it's now around 8:30. i'll check the storage unit.m  i can get justin if he needs a ride. he can work on electric and mechanic stuff. 

i also have a task for him to meet the construction company across the street.

note to self: ride bike today.

you can have danny clean up trash around the auto parts lot and the alley - i am very unhappy when our mess aspills over to thee neighbors.

if justin wants to use a bobcat to smooth out the alley, i'll pay for the bobcat and his time, but find out how much the rental is first. can we borrow one? probably not. and i'd pay for a load of gravel as well if thsasat helps. 

jordan - so we are going today? please also set up a jail visit for denise paul hatch. they may be holding her in seg and not let us see her, i'm not sure.
she's a friend and the center township constable, and they've been holding her for a month over minor stuff. 

i figured out how we get jordan. we use him as the plaintiff in a civil rights action against the jal, and then we keep the money. if any. 

so danny'ss gonna walk with me and the clipboard and i'll get thaat part started today, but i'
m not in the riight mood right now.

ok that's plenty for today.

please respond with your own list or at least an "ok".

in the next week part of what i need from nyou is:

full criminal file
set up those appointments with jill/eric and that prosecutor lady.

i will try to put in another half hour here catching up on some of my online work. 

copied from email: oh shoot it didn't copy I have to try again.

sday july 4 notes. 

my to do list for today includes

fireworks downtown tonight

did so far.

1. the dog i met last night got killed, so i disposed of the body. so i'm in kind of a shitty mood today, expect that. 
when you need a body disposed of, i'm your guy. 

2. 3 loads laundry.

3. moved the ti tent. 

at the moment i am still waiting on my truck. i am very unhappy to see it back in the yard still notfixed. i took it to my tire ghuy for a reason.

6 pm. at starbucks.

trying to write a did list for the day

oops this is in the middle, i wanted to put it at the end. 
bil;ling nbotes for july 4th. light day due to holiday. only worked 11 hours instead of 16.

5n am to 7 am. in bed writing. 

7 am deal with dead dog. deal w emotions about dead dog. later, bill yelled at me about the dog.

3 loads laundry
 lost my computer twice today, had danny help me look. 
11:30 safety meetinjg.
12: met w cable guy. he says two weeks, need to rebury the line. asked for documentation, blame it on gupta. 

1 pm we did a prelimnary walkthrough, estimating 27k damage to the house from the raain and thefts. 
we now have video and an excel sprreadsheet, byut it will need further detail.

7:12 am. petey's extortionist came by. i told him to find petey for me. he did.
3 pm. we had a meeting - me danny rachel the boss and dc, about the for pete's sake foundation.

idea is , and pete's cool with this, is we raise a little money "for pete's sake"  for dc's medical expenses and pete's work cleaning the park and washington street. so we wil;l learn how to set up a small charitable foundation. dc could be our kin hubbard brown county mr  martin impersonator. so we use the kin hubbard images in our literatture. 

so make a prospect list for who we pitch this to.

robbin stewart for township board vote tuesday campaign meeting didnt happen yet.

need posted rules for tobacco.

explained concept of monopoly money to michelle, b ut need more time on gthe detals.

aldi dumpster 4 pm, storage unit closed, needed to inventory to check on mark.    

michelle has a trailer for 2k online. twice the size.

i want to do riley. in or she shoul;d set up an insiide visit.

it's sunny but raining heavily, mostly in my house. i wonder if there's a rainbow. i'll go check. 

discussed rodney w my staff. we suspect he has ulterior motives.
bill yelled at me about the dog. we'll send him a bill for the 4 minutes, no 4 hour  minimum, no minimum billable increment. 
discussed the zay theft. possible zay theft, could be harley setting him up. gay negro 26, connected to s gladstone. 
idea, stsatute of gladstone standing up to disraili. mayb e a mural. 
bill's owner doesn't want to sell, he says. we'll see, but that's reasonable.
so we need to outresearch him. 

where did i leave my cane ths time?

met ranger slayton around 5 pm.

paid petey $50. we shared water and shared coke. so we use coke for the stranger in a strasnge land water sharing ritual.

i'm starting to give more pushback. when they violate my smoking and dietary rules on the property. 

i missed two loads of scrap today because the truck isnt fixed. the truck isn't fixed. 

michelle has agreed we can go to a biker bar sometime. 
so that's enough notes to wrap up the afternoon.

we want to shop for dresses. but nothing fancy, simple. she has taste.

she might be using that to put off the trip to meeting the prosecutor.

in should ask her to visit Eric or Jill with me as a witness. where they can ask anything they want about me, maybe not her.  

dc still in offiice, still yelling about me. he'll figure it out. bright guy. did I mention I took down the tent?
so some of Michelle's clothes are in bags in the yard getting raining on. now 6:18, i'm done here. cut and paste to email.

so this iis the rough right away version, and maybe ii can better organize it later.

i owe rodney a pair of blue pliers with a hook on end. i was going to have him hold onto a ball peen hammer.

we can start getting them engraved, 1 per contractor. 

petey agreed to bury the dog.  we'll seee. rachel too. we'll see. 


you have the van key. i do not. i need a vehicle to get my work done.  we told that guy we were taking that fence, and it's very important to me, with a guy ;like that, that i do what i say i will do. it pisses me off when a first contact with a guy makes me look like i don't know what i am doing.

i need to sit down with you and explaiin the thing with the ducks and trucks. you dont seem to be getting it yet. i need to get my ducks in arow.

i would like to give you some negative feedback about your job performance, but only when we are both calm so it will be constructive.

otherwise i just bottle this stuff up.  let's make a to do list for about a week, and then every day we go over it. 

i need a daily email from you summarizing  what we did and did not get done.

when i give you an envelope with $500, what i need is an email within 24 hours settiing out where that money wen t so we can keep our books.

it's is july 4th. are you ready to go over june's books?

i will go to the dollar store and get a bag of bags, so i can bag and tag cigarette butts. 

danny showed up early, great attitude, gets stuff done. 

you guys can use the truck to move the trailer. expect a lot of screaming from dc. but fix the tire first.

and fill out a pretrip inspection report for the truck. which needs a number. i gues si nwill go to the auto stoere and buy some numbers to put on the trucks.
when i was out getting the windows, some guys said they want to buy the van i said bring me a written offer. 

do we have the title and keys ready to go?

this cold coffee at wendy's is pretty good, but i'm going to throw it away, i dont think i need caffiene today. 

it's now around 8:30. i'll check the storage unit.m  i can get justin if he needs a ride. he can work on electric and mechanic stuff. 

i also have a task for him to meet the construction company across the street.

note to self: ride bike today.

you can have danny clean up trash around the auto parts lot and the alley - i am very unhappy when our mess aspills over to thee neighbors.

if justin wants to use a bobcat to smooth out the alley, i'll pay for the bobcat and his time, but find out how much the rental is first. can we borrow one? probably not. and i'd pay for a load of gravel as well if thsasat helps. 

jordan - so we are going today? please also set up a jail visit for denise paul hatch. they may be holding her in seg and not let us see her, i'm not sure.
she's a friend and the center township constable, and they've been holding her for a month over minor stuff. 

i figured out how we get jordan. we use him as the plaintiff in a civil rights action against the jal, and then we keep the money. if any. 

so danny'ss gonna walk with me and the clipboard and i'll get thaat part started today, but i'
m not in the riight mood right now.

ok that's plenty for today.

please respond with your own list or at least an "ok".

in the next week part of what i need from nyou is:

full criminal file
set up those appointments with jill/eric and that prosecutor lady. and go to them. if we have not accomplished this within 7 days, I may lay you off for a week. 

let's consider having me rent a legal secretary from the legal secretary shop which is called barristers, for about 8 hours a week, to make sure my hours are being kept properly. I am probably expecting too much from you when you haven't even been trained yet. but when my billing isn't done every day, I lose the $470 in work I did that day, so there will be nothing for the envelopes. 

but right now ii can absolutely pay people like Danny and Pete and maybe you. You are getting as lot done, but I need documentation, a daily email works well. you can use blogger or whatever. 

I paid danny today to walk around with me to find my computer. took us about 5 minutes. I told him if we were still looking after an hour we would stop.  I bring this up to say we need some airtags to help us find stuff. 

can we verify if danny's electric bike is not hot? if  he has good title, that's collateral.

ok, i'm leaving wendy's, dollar store, stop by home for a minute, put a load in, go to the storage unit,
maybe breakfast at steering or brad's. 

have you read any of the cases in the links Brian sent you two weeks ago? if you have, we can spend 20 minutes, billabl;e, discussing it. I have not been hearing from Brian at all lately, which disappoints me. 

but partly that's on me, I need to send him a bunch of these files and specific instructions on what to do. 

this email is in lieu of an iternerary for today. 
usually I write one on the back of an envelope and put it in my pocket for that day, so  don't lose track.

I am far less effective when I don't have a plan.  I just drive around picking up junk. are the scrapyards closed today?
so I have a water heater in the van, do we scrap it right away or save it for .. I think we save it for kelvin. can you look up if there's a kelvin in indy who does refrigerators? you'll get some false positives in that search.

is there anything we need to do with our insurance guy? 

as to our personnel, we need file folders, and in the file folder go their timesheets, writeups, resumes, criminal history etc. maybe blue folders for people and red folders for cases, or something like that.

I need to get more organized on which of our people need what. I cannot keep that all in my head. 
so please help me get my ducks in a row. i'm drowning here. 

i've been reacting to things happening, but I need to free up a free day  where I can start making moves of my own. in chess this is called tempo.

I'm not confident we'll get to the steer inn today, but if we do, what's our agenda? 

if I don't get an answer I like I'll come up[ with one. 

i will try to put in another half hour here catching up on some of my online work. 

today i have to read the complaint from gupta. i wll probably be very upset for a while after that. 

somebody pointed out  that i can write a bunch of this stuff off my taxes. .