Tuesday, March 04, 2025

  March 4th

daily task list






phone  Kroger linwood

dog - go by pound today?

mom - gardening talk


  oil change

   horn  doesn't work

food - whole foods

went to dollar tree, 3208 e Washington, large black negro claims he's the manager, ordered me out of the store because I didn't buy anything,  but I had already bought stuff but had to come back for the bleach.

 then he got even more hostile and threatening.

need to call corporate. not getting wifi here. 

The Dollar Tree corporate office is located at 500 Volvo Parkway, Chesapeake, VA 23320. Their phone number is (757) 321-5000. 


At Dollar Tree, Inc., we believe everything starts with people. From our associates to our leaders to the communities we serve, how we treat people matters most. We also believe when we are free to be ourselves, we are better able to connect with each other, our customers, and our communities. 

Mike Creedon, Jr. 
Dollar Tree
500 Volvo Parkway, Chesapeake, VA 23320

Today, 4/4/25, at about 1 pm, I was ordered away from your store at 3208 e Washington St Indy 46201 by a person claiming  to be the manager, perhaps because I was walking out of the store without buying anything.

If he hadn't gotten violent and hostile I would have been happy to  explain that I had already taken out my first bag, was going to my van to check my shopping list, while my wife was still inside looking for bleach. 

Your web site states: At Dollar Tree, Inc., we believe everything starts with people. From our associates to our leaders to the communities we  serve, how we treat people matters most.

How you treated me today was wrong. I am writing to seek written clarification of whether I am  banned from that store, and if so why.

I am elderly, disabled, and hard of hearing, and I not know precisely what he said; this is why I am asking in writing for whether or not I can continue to be a customer there, as I have been for many years.

I am  requesting a reasonable accommodation for my disability. The accommodation I request is that that particular manager leave me alone. If they are literate, I would welcome a letter from them. 
That person and I happen to be of different races. I do not know whether that was a factor. I did not feel welcomed. I do not know for certain whether his conduct toward me would constitute assault.  It seemed threatening. Although I was in the right I did not want to make more of a scene so I left, but I am extremely upset. 

I happen to be an attorney, and currently have one ADA complaint open with the State of Indiana against a different business on the same street, but I would prefer to resolve this matter internally.

I was just trying to get some tweezers and bleach, and  now my whole day has been disrupted. 

I am  concerned that this situation may escape, so I hope to hear from you soon.                                               ^ escalate ^  

Col. Robbin Stewart
PO Box 29164
Cumberland In 46229

By the way the cashier was courteous and friendly

Did: swept and mopped front room

turned down weed.

rent her something. 


make list of stuff i've asked her



Thursday, February 27, 2025

 so today was typical. 

I get back from a had day at work, and i take my laundry down to the laundry room and there's some guy there smoking. and when I asked him to leave, and he didn't leave, it escalated.

she physically  attacked me. he might have had a gun. 

she is going  around claiming that I put my hands on  her, which is the kind of dangerous lie that is likely to get me killed. 

dusty threatened me because she fooled him  about what the situation was. we had a good talk.

so I need to make a few notes, his crimes and torts, then hers.

his torts, trespass, tresspass again, nuisance? the smoking. does not need a concealed carry permit.

need to know his name. need to look up his criminal  history, do a warrant check etc. 

her torts today, trespass? her defense is a lease. 

battery, assault, what was the conversion thing? I think that was someone else.

extortion. she's  trying to get me to pay her to leave, much like mighty.

the bank fraud. her own, and in concert w mighty and Zack.

it's at least an hour later. I've been screaming and shaking. I'm pretty worked up.

 Tom Segura fishers tomorrow 7 30.


  • I went today to get my social security card. Was unlawfully refused service. 1625 N Post Rd. #6.

    I was told that I have to have an appointment to get a card. That was a lie.
    I was told that there is a law that says so. I asked which law, she couldn't tell me. There's no such law. It was another lie.
    What there is is a policy letter, but they are not implementing the policy, which states
    "We want to make clear that we will not turn people away for service who are unable to make an appointment
    or do not want to make an appointment. For example, members of vulnerable populations, military personnel,
    people with terminal illnesses, and individuals with other situations requiring immediate or specialized
    attention may still walk in for service at our field offices. "

    I should not have been refused service.

  • so far there's been no way to contact sss, so all i've done so far is Yelp like a Karen.

  • Dear Colleague, In our ongoing commitment to serve the public more efficiently, we are expanding appointment-based services at our local Social Security offices. By scheduling appointments, we will aim to reduce wait times, streamline service delivery, and improve the overall customer experience. Nearly 400 field offices have already moved to appointment-based service this year. These offices have seen significant improvements in wait times due to more efficient and helpful visitor experiences and increases in the number of customers able to complete their business online. We are implementing appointment-based services nationwide in two phases. The first phase is a transition period now through January 5, 2025. The purpose of this transition period is to educate our customers about needing to schedule an appointment for SSA services. As a reminder, many of our services can be provided via phone with an appointment and do not require a customer to walk into an office for service. Effective January 6, 2025, we will require customers to schedule an appointment for service in our field offices, including requests for Social Security cards. We encourage customers to become accustomed to our: • online services, where many transactions can be completed conveniently and securely, and • automated services available on our National 800# at 1-800-772-1213. Customers who are not able to handle their business online or with the automated options, may call their local Social Security office or our National 800# to schedule an appointment. We want to make clear that we will not turn people away for service who are unable to make an appointment or do not want to make an appointment. For example, members of vulnerable populations, military personnel, people with terminal illnesses, and individuals with other situations requiring immediate or specialized attention may still walk in for service at our field offices. Some of our offices also have minimal to no wait times, and they will still serve customers who walk in. We appreciate your partnership in sharing this information and helping our customers through this transition. Thank you for your continued support as we work together to improve service accessibility and responsiveness. Sincerely, Dawn Bystry Associate Commissioner Office of Strategic and Digital Communications OEA.Net.Post@ssa.gov

  • congress

  • Office Locations

    2135 Rayburn House Office Building
    Washington, DC  20515
    Phone: (202) 225-4011
    Fax: (202) 225-5633
    300 E Fall Creek Pkwy. N. Dr.
    Suite 300
    Indianapolis, IN  46205
    Phone: (317) 283-6516
    Fax: (317) 283-6567

Wednesday, February 26, 2025


ok this works.

time to get back to daily lists, done, didn't, daily task list, etc.

wednesday 2/26/25 7 pm. Time for church maybe. now at chuch. 1/2 hour late.

stuff that happened today, wednesday

1.  - michelle let stranger girl and my massusse smoke in the basement. i threw them out. ruined my schedule for the day. we had a nice talk later. 

2.  - she stood me up for a meeting or call w her mother, we were supposed to go greenwood.  

3. she refused to help w the cable. i got it fixed. now $40/mo. paid $60. 

to do: follow up asking for credit for the week it didnt work. 

4. AB did a lot of good work, wants money.

5. got a snack at Mexican grocery. $4 for a soda at jack's pizza, but they didn't have wifi. to do, [call] trry to find out the password. 

did: cable bill, not much else. swept office, took out trash, did some dishes and kitchen cleaning.  1 load laundry. 

Lost another $5k, stock under $300.

To do:

pay lawyer dues. try to log in. work on letter re in re Robbin Stewart.

maybe email Jill.


go up to attic. 

make a bill/invoice for AB re what's her name. 


To: adrienne or whatever,

My name is Robbin Stewart.

Recently I was able to recover access to my email.

I want, in this letter, to re-establish contact, to tell a bit about myself and my current circumstances. 

I was admitted to the Indiana bar in 1993, at age 33.  

My area of expertise is election law.

arduous v ardor. that's my homework for Sunday. so 5 days.

my stuff was in a roll off next door, which she didn't tell me till too late so now  it's gone.   


Tuesday: mighty broke in, stole from her, freaked her out. 

Sunday:     she stood me up to church. we had a screaming argument about it. 

so what was Monday? maybe when we found Jay in the trailer. 

I have not been doing list, schedule, budget. 

Thursday notes:

didn't do much today yet.

$20 home Depot bill

$40 trashbags

$40 gas

$40 AB.

$20 dollar tree.

Texas taxes bill, about $200 not paid yet.

went to social security office, they won't give me a card but I should be getting my checks again.  

took out some trash, Michelle missed the trash.

found a fish tank etc.

wednesday: went to Sunday school, late. forgot to go do standup.


Saturday, February 08, 2025

Friday, February 07, 2025

 woohoo I got my blog back!!!