Monday, July 19, 2004

monday monday.
when was last time these dogs had a bath?
the issue is always, what to do next.
that's a process, that's a recursive process.
10 do first thing on list.
20 figure out what to do next.
30 if not sure, make new list, go to 10.
40 else do next thing on list.
50 if no more items on list, go to 30.
right now, what to do next is drink coffee, write lists, write metadata about writing lists,
as part of planning process, or is it timewasting.
daily task list
get small claims info
mzw copies
gallahue, dentist and midtown
post office
email rock the vote guy
to do list - this week
letter to disciplinary commission
draft mzw update
make to do list for caudill
nake list of stuff to write. go thru old lists, see what's still undone.
advertise space.
to do list- someday
driver's license.
post office
did list
copied from myspace blog
But, with the cocounseling model, there's no authority, just a fair trade of advice for advice, and i get to work on my issues too.Those mostly have to do with organization.I have goals, I make plans, I encounter obstacles, I get frustrated, I sink into learned helplessnessand stop planning, just coast through life on the path of least resistance, which right now is a downward spiral.I think the step i'm skipping is the daily revision of the plan, reworking the plan to pursue the goals when unforseen obstacles make the previous plan unworkable, instead of just giving up.Because i have this pattern of giving up when i meet obstacles, I forgot to get married, have kids, get a job, the stuff normal people do.Normal people set the alarm, take a shower, get dressed, drive to work, work, come home, kiss the wife, yell at the kids, watch a little tv, get to bed at a reasonable hour. At least that was the script for dad, and ward cleaver.Me, i wake up when i wake up, wearing the same cutoffs i wore yesterday, have coffee, get online, heat water for the bath, answer a few emails, have more coffee, and it's 9 am, but sometimes this goes on till 9 pm, cuz i don't really have a plan for the day.I have a written to do list some where, [i actually have a whole to do list blog] but i don't have the daily discipline of going through it,checking off item after item, or adding items i'm missing.- get a job.- get paperwork or work under the table.- try to order birth certificate. look for supporting paperwork. in front room at old house.- get a real job. - should i give up my money losing law practice, or try again to make it work?- get married- well at least with gay marriage coming along, my chances are doubled, but so are my chances for rejection, which is the frustration that tends to make me stop planning.- idea: start mail order husband company. cherry pick the best ones.- obstacle - that's silly.- comeback- sure but i'm good at silly. it's an aardvark attribute.- idea: start dating again. ease into it. ask people to coffee. use weirdness factor to scare away the incompatible ones.-idea. get roommates. gradually seduce them into marriage-like arrangement.-objection: no wonder you don't have any friends, loser.-restated objection: that could violate being a good roommate. use caution.- buy a house.- sell old house. - email realtor again- avoid certain neighborhoods. look into rent to buys.- get input from spousal unit if any.- put house in nonprofit trust so they can't take it from me.- live out in the country?-obstacle - rednecks. comeback - choose area with hippies.- live in the city. obstacle - police and thieves in the street.- suburbs. obstacle too expensive, need a car. resolution: stay here for now. look into rent to buys. form housing co-op.if i have any readers, sorry for boring you. this was an example of a litle thinking out loud about goals, plans, obstacles, comebacks.see, this is one of those mornings where, not having a plan, i get up, have coffee, and write, whereever the muse leads. in "the artists way" it teaches to do three pages of this every morning,"the morning pages" as a way of getting past writing blocks and unleashing inner creativity.i crtainly didn't know this post was headed this way - it just built on itself, starting fromive decided i dont like who i am. and i wish i were a better person."I'm gonna go have that bath now - the water is hot - and then i'll either make a list and get stuff done, or waste more time online, not sure yet.later edit:i felt really good after the bath. i'd been sinking into depression for the past few days.i ran around and did a few little projects - i completely forgot till just now i have the hallway blocked off with a stuck bedframe i'm trying to put in the basement. laundry is soaking in the tub.i'm making to do lists. i made my bed - a once ayear actvity.last night i went to the metro and had one drink, exactly one, first since may 15. i'm not sure exactly why, i think it was to deal with the depression.yesterday was good.late as usual to bread not bombs.there was a labor history movie at 3 at iupui, about the textile strike of 1934, i got to sit next to this cute communist boy i've been getting to know.and afterwards got into a great conversation with the guy who put the film on,about doing prison support. he's a rock the vote staffer and has access to a lot of resources.before and after the movie i went hunter gathering around mass ave, got a carload of stuff, shared some with turtle's kids who i ran into.for myself i got a nice velcro watch.for right now i need to - unblock the hallway [X], work on my list, have more coffee [ ], do the first item on the list [x], figure out which 3 to definately do today.

Thursday, July 15, 2004

1) revise to do list
2) deed 12:00 244 ham
3) phone? see if working.
4) think about raising funds in texas
5) draft memo to caudill re rescission.
6) get court info re car case.
to do:
letter to disciplinary commission
lower priority: letter to postmaster/senator
drivers license.
make some kind of list or flowchart re caudill.
do that hypothetical letter to the mom of deshaun.
find out what jesse said. find out what joell knows.
list properties if possible.
keep working majors.
write to rutherford.  
   dtl. 1) revise to do list 2) deed 12:00 244 ham 3) phone? see if working. 4) think about raising funds in texas 5) draft memo to caudill re rescission.
- instead of giving me the deed, they tore the house down.
- violated due course of law, failed to give notice 201 eastern file.
-40 n tacoma, tore garage down without notice, due course of law violation, was a triggering event in making my lose my edge and lose all the money.
- reasonably relied on representation that i could not enter property to cut weeds, safety inspection, etc.
catch 22.
- received no benefit at all from 15K investment. got sued. house torn down w/o notice. pattern and practice of constitutional violation.
reason did not turn in tax certs was freaking out, scared of more lawsuits, unbearable pressure.
frustration of purpose aspect.
mental state at time of purchase unknown, but clues condition was pre-existing.
 6) get court info re car case. to do: letter to disciplinary commission lower priority: letter to postmaster/senator drivers license. insurance. make some kind of list or flowchart re caudill. do that hypothetical letter to the mom of deshaun. find out what jesse said. find out what joell knows. list properties if possible. keep working majors.
richard winger. /cofoe
libertarian party
mike cloud/badnarik/that guy who ran for president/
mark emery
keep trying to reach eff.
us chamber of commerce?
brainstorm on other maybes.
any big dc law firm.
use bloggers to recruit cocounsel, law students.
lambda legal
  roe v wade, extend right to privacy under (texas), closet as gay issue re anon.
ken faulk - request interview - mark, jail, brief, apology, any info on dog bites, connect to .
national lawyers guild, sshapiro@aclu, naacp.
majors v iec.
write to rutherford.    
photocopy complaint, send to bopp office, england, wayne. doable tomorrow.
tomorrow: deed. photocopy. small claims.
email star-news re jail.
letter to nate dawn.

Wednesday, July 14, 2004

july 14

1 deed
2. [laundry - move to 3]
3 caudill
4 art hammer
5 move and garden

2.5 hardware store- bike chain, key.pipe joint fit (leash)
5.5 letter to ken faulk, indy star.

1 deed
2. [laundry - move to 3]
3 caudill
a channel 6
b mark x - discovery request for prison info - dog case.
- any written material letters grievances counselor requests etc.
- list of inmates in 3-k, 3-j.

c driver's license
d doctor - gallahue? plan?
e lonnie file
f computers
g bond revocation threat - prison issues
[safety, food,visitation, pastoral visits]
h transfer any online files.

4 art hammer
5 move and garden

2.5 hardware store- bike chain, key. (leash)
5.5 letter to ken faulk, indy star.

Thursday, July 08, 2004

notes on majors expenses
filing $300
postage $63
postage $2
printing appendix $125.
printing brief - unknown, say 52 x 13 x 10 = $70.
matierals $2.
coffee $1
fee for notary and official check x.
today i must make a to-do list.
today i must make a to-do list.
today i must make a dtl.
i almost wrote dtl list, like atm machine, the ttp project.

where is bike?
3pm landlord.
phone messages.
post office letter.
nate dawn.
outline letter to lawyers re jail.
find out when caudill appt is
mom, lindy.
draft telemarketer complaints..but wait what if they sent the do not call letter?
revise letter to telemarketers. 2 current targets.
update blogs.
email wayne. -list house.
check email. - follow up w client letter.
outline disciplinary committee letter.
draft letter to neighbor.
thank you letters to mike re printing.

that would be enough for today.
make dtl.

3pm landlord.
nate dawn.
where is bike?

phone messages.
post office letter.

outline letter to lawyers re jail.
find out when caudill appt is
mom, lindy.
draft telemarketer complaints..but wait what if they sent the do not call letter?
revise letter to telemarketers. 2 current targets.
update blogs.
email wayne. -list house.
check email.
outline disciplinary committee letter.
draft letter to neighbor.
that would be enough for today.
omar - get addresses of inmates
old man, what was his name again?
rob king.
get real computer.
make dtl. X

Monday, July 05, 2004

did list july 4
tuned up majors brief
email folks about it
mowed lawn
talked to pat
went to lunch
found a tray

to do:
cover letter for clerk of court
s ct bar app
abuse mike's printer.
get car
jailblog stuff
sheila k re private prisons
jailblog entries
email caudill

car and house insurance
status of car case
get reports 400 blovck dearborn 200 block temple
post office snafu.
make to do list
make dtl