Saturday, September 15, 2007

saturday daily task list
laundry X
laptop passowrd
webcomic X

monday daily task list

laptop passowrd
pack for trip
check boston couchsurf
get plates for car, truck
pay rent
pawn shop
go over other list do at least one item

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

To do: Thurs
open lab rat, call:
eli lilly
covance madison
sleep center harvard

Dedicated Phase I - View Clinic Location
Telephone: 602-279-7300
Healthy men and women earn up to $5,000 assisting medical research.

left messages
4 stays of 5 days/4 nights
- Plus 1 outpatient visit
Dates: Check-in: Wednesday 10 October
Check-out: Sunday 14 October
Check-in: Saturday 20 October
Check-out: Wednesday 24 October
Check-in: Tuesday 30 October
Check-out: Saturday 3 November
Check-in: Friday 9 November
Check-out: Tuesday 13 November
Outpatient date: Friday 16 November

Requirements: Men and women aged 18 to 50. Non-smoking.

Screening date: September 26th, September 27th & September 28th

lawyer dues
electric bill
227 plumbing rent get gas fix car
do laundry
review to do list
check praecipe date.

Friday, September 07, 2007

I have in my pocket a 50 item list I wrote this morning. Object of this post is to key it in.

1 Appeal in Palmer case
irs penalties rebate, redo 2000 taxes, letters re irs misconduct.
jeff and lindy business plan
630 temple riley
cle hours
pay lawyer dues
sign case prepare docs
boston trip?
tax planning, ira
texas taxes
plubing 227
electric 227
taxes 227 problem
furnace 225?
make better list
visit rj
windmill co tom carnahan
racoon creek status
tires battery alignment clean car window bumper taillight
hit and run
c j hargett
prosecutor, kick in teeth, public records request lawsuit
wrtv 6
screw u job
mcgrawhill job
legislation - repeal disclaimer, fix fines in campaign act, rokita
- battery statute
laptop password
clean apartment
rent out apartment? roommate?
brad - $400. letter to prosecutor
junior and heather
jewelry doctor list of properties
lonnie/tristin case
credit report prosecutor. dob? drivers license #? erato
dearborn robbery
find jerilyn
joell re house
list house
list lots
check mail X letter re oil check.
check bank balance
john pool
check for next study
spank caleb
1 hour a day clean apartment.
That's the list.
Next to copy and expand it, prioritize, break into easier pieces.

1 Appeal in Palmer case
irs penalties rebate, redo 2000 taxes, letters re irs misconduct.
jeff and lindy business plan
630 temple riley
cle hours
pay lawyer dues
sign case prepare docs
boston trip?
tax planning, ira
texas taxes
plubing 227
electric 227
taxes 227 problem
furnace 225?
make better list
visit rj
windmill co tom carnahan
racoon creek status
tires battery alignment clean car window bumper taillight
hit and run
c j hargett
prosecutor, kick in teeth, public records request lawsuit
wrtv 6
screw u job
mcgrawhill job
legislation - repeal disclaimer, fix fines in campaign act, rokita
- battery statute
laptop password
clean apartment
rent out apartment? roommate?
brad - $400. letter to prosecutor
junior and heather
jewelry doctor list of properties
lonnie/tristin case
credit report prosecutor. dob? drivers license #? erato
dearborn robbery
find jerilyn
joell re house
list house
list lots
check mail X letter re oil check.
check bank balance
john pool
check for next study
spank caleb X
1 hour a day clean apartment.
That's the list.
Next to copy and expand it, prioritize, break into easier pieces.

Did today:
Woke up in kentucky.
Went to evanville for work.
Drove home.
Found 100 lbs food.
Checked mail - check $260.
Bought auto stuff - stop leak, tape.
Blogged, made this list.
1 hour before go to club.
Coulkd clean car or do laundry or dishes or work on this list or - i know! webcomics.