Thursday, April 20, 2006

move from hotel
move from 411
get electric phone dsl
karen celentino-horseman X
lonnie sentencing and auction?
pick up that half bike.

winthrop quiet title mcquiston
rob king!
mike bouschele? (sp?)
check po box

worked. on time.
wrote guest editorial submitted to indy star re voter id.
checked email. groth reply.
called electric company and water company.
blogged, made comics.
not much else.

next: metro, in case sam's there.
hotel, move out.

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

To do tonight (tuesday):
1 lonnie statement X
2 re marion county elections X
3 law professor re prisons - not done -bedtime came too soon.
4 email will gas bills. X

did: worked. delivered groceries. met neighbor. complained to other neighbor about noise.

to do:
law professor re prisons
water and electric
mail insurance check!
move from 411.
lock 679?
send skeptic email on two things: post office forwarding problems, lance malone.
make better list.

Monday, April 17, 2006

did: just barely got to work on time, with some agressive driving.
went to gas co.
forgot to let water company in.
wasting all night online, so much to do.

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

did: met w cops.
worked on victim impact statement.
charged phone.
bought books.

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Did: said hi to a few craigslist people, blogged, made a toon, collected $120.

To do:
Write to greenwood guy re Dre.
incident reports 225 temple
victim impact statements.
get homeowners.
photocopy doug and lonnie stuff.
I see I have a bit of catching up to do here...
Did today:
court 1.
city hall 10th floor
to do tonight: victim impact statement
this keyboard doesn't work.
met w prosecutor. funny interviewwbrizziin inmensmagazine.
lonnie: guilty 4counts murder. triedas adult.
resceduled meet w oren
to do: send letter re dre.
sofarthat's alli'vegotten done except made betterlist.

Thursday, April 06, 2006

productive day considering i slept in till 4.
police prosecutor national city visa woodruff mom gas co. jeremy wind carol
went by woodruff.
met with greg re car and truck. and problem with 235 n temple. $25
outlined 2005 taxes
shopping w bear $20.
met with tenants re unpaid rent
emailed wil
emailed winger
drafted rob king letter
got letters ready for brighthouse and stillabower.

yesterday $25 vault and unicorn

to do: call carol agaain or go by
411 - pack, look for chuck's info.
9 am friday call re woodruff.
call monte
email rob king with memo
email habitat.
email the word re the vault.
water bill.
look up chuck and lee.

glendale tax help
email prison law professor

Tuesday, April 04, 2006


got minutes.
got police report.
gas $20 car.
unicorn ~$20.
storage unit $55 check. ($20 deposit)
insurance guy wasn't there.
emailed mom lindy will.
got assaulted at city hall by securatex again.

photo copy police report and list of property.