Thursday, April 29, 2021

877-887-0273 5th 3rd. paid $500 on electric bill. got extension. initiating dispute we reconnect fee. service was shut off without the warning call they promised. the operator i spoke to today at first volunteered to remove the reconnect fee, but then after speaking with her supervisor refused to do so, because this is april and it happened in february. that is not a valid reason t charge me a feee i do not owe, because they failed in their promise to send me an alert befotre disconnecting service. DISCONNECTIONS Consumer complaints filed via this website may experience a brief delay in processing. If your service is subject to disconnection or has already been disconnected, it is highly recommended that you call our Consumer Affairs Division at 317-232-2712 or 1-800-851-4268. Our analysts are available from 8:15 a.m. to 4:45 p.m., Monday through Friday (EST/EDT). list for friday did: not much. emailed election division requesting public records. might have emailed department of justice with a question about sunshine law, whether i can or cant get names of employees at dmv location. intentionally skipped plasma. got 1000 meaningless reddit points. brought in trash bins. did not go to winterthur.

skip plasma.

letters to write:


state senator and david sokola, david finger.

timeline bmv, write bmv.

what else?

write or call grand poobah.

pay off 5th 3rd

electric bill! Now Hiring Intimate Partner Violence Deputy Prosecutor DEADLINE TO APPLY: 4/6/21 SALARY RANGE: $70,000 JOB DESCRIPTION: This Deputy Prosecutor will prosecute domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault and stalking offenders. Primary responsibilities include: researching and drafting legal documents, court appearances, reviewing cases submitted by law enforcement for potential criminal charges, filing new cases, preparing and presenting cases at trial (both bench trials and jury trials), collaboration and communication with Victim Advocate and Survivor(s), frequent contact with medical professionals and treatment providers, and representation of the Prosecutor’s Office in various professional groups. Will be expected to meet and consult regularly with Law Enforcement, Courts, Probation/Parole Officers, Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault professionals, school corporations, and community agencies serving Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Survivors. This position requires active participation in Coordinated Community Response Team and the Sexual Assault Response Team (SART). Some speaking engagements and public appearances will be assigned. Must uphold strict standards of confidentiality. Collaboration with the Prosecutor and other employees of the Prosecutor’s Office will be essential for success. Expected to assist in maintaining grant funding for this program. This position will require occasional work on the weekends and before/after normal business hours, and may require travel for training purposes. JOB REQUIREMENTS: Baccalaureate Degree and Juris Doctorate from an accredited Law School; active and in good standing with the Indiana Bar. Minimum of two years litigation experience, preferably with criminal cases. Ability to effectively and efficiently communicate orally and in writing. Ability to be tactful professional in all communications, understanding that this position requires frequent contact with a diverse group of individuals. Competence in public interactions during stressful situations, and ability to make difficult decisions. Must show willingness to establish and maintain positive working relationships with colleagues, in and out of the office, experts, and the general public. Ability to operate a computer, maintain accurate and organized files, and prepare detailed reports as required. Must possess skills to work autonomously on multiple tasks, and work with other team members. Employee must demonstrate compliance and understanding of all employer and department policies, procedures, and rules, including, but not limited to: attendance, safety, drug-free work environment, and personal conduct. PREFERENCES: Residency in Hancock, County or willingness to relocate to Hancock County Experience working with Survivors of Intimate Partner Violence and/or Sexual Assault Willingness to assist with grant writing Position is currently available. Interested candidates should submit a cover letter and resume to Brent Eaton at

Wednesday, April 28, 2021

to kyle gay evans it was nice to bump into you on saturday at brandywine high school. in this letter i'm going to expand on some of what we discussed. I have asked for your help in requesting a delaware attorney general oinion as to the constitutionality of the political sign disclaimer law. You had concerns about your standing to make the request. I have three answers to that. First, unlike a court case, you don't need standing to ask a question of the AG. Giving advice to the legislative or executive branches is part of their function. Second, you have standing in your own right. In your election last year, you put out signs that had the disclaimer. You plan to run again and have more signs. it has recently come to your attention that the sign statute may be unconstitutional under the delaware constituion and first amendment. 3rd, you have been approached by a constituent to sponsor a bill to repeal the statute on the basis that it is void. therefor you would like an ago to inform your decision.. the text of the request could be 1. does [statute] violate the right to free speech under the delaware constition, in light of opinion of the justices 1974, which held the news journal has the right to run anonymous editorials? 2. does statute violate the right to free and equal elections under the delaware constitution? 3. does statute violate first amendment, in light of cases including nifla v becerra, janus, aid v open society, thomas more institute v bonta, anonymous v delaware, etc.? if you do make such a request, please let me know so i can provide the ag's office with briefing.

Wednesday, April 21, 2021

plasma +60. dollar store 13 amazon book 9.

to do sunday

write to kyle gay evans, dave sokola.

go over old list, make new list

1. put away laundry

unload van

4. buy cheeses, plants? something else, i forget what.

bamboo sample from allen tract. how to cut?

2. x oddporium

3. x arden grubb graves. add location to finda grave

6. draft of complaint in sign case

timeline of bmv dispute

7. call tommy

8. pay box rent can i do it online?

9. pay electric bill

look for american express appication

i think i am having a niacin reaction from energy rink i just drank.

10 cash count. $441.

there is a study in st louis i can screen for. may 15th 23. $2900. 314-528-2220 Ex 1012 they also have one for $1000. i screen monday 5/3. so i can go to indy sunday or saturday night.

pra utah $4500 1 week. dates unknown.

call celerion. i just missed a $14,000, screens tomorrow. find out if i can screen or am banned. laptop problem.

pay toll bill

pay electric bill and p o box rent.

american airlines dispute.

Public entities must respond to requests as soon as possible. If records cannot be provided within 15 business days, the entity must respond with an explanation and an estimate of when the records will be available. According to Section 10003:[1] “ The public body shall respond to a FOIA request as soon as possible, but in any event within 15 business days after the receipt thereof, either by providing access to the requested records, denying access to the records or parts of them, or by advising that additional time is needed because the request is for voluminous records, requires legal advice, or a record is in storage or archived. If access cannot be provided within 15 business days, the public body shall cite 1 of the reasons hereunder why more time is needed and provide a good-faith estimate of how much additional time is required to fulfill the request.[2] ”

Tuesday, April 20, 2021

Alternatively, here is the telephone number of the Lambda Legal Help Desk nearest you: National Headquarters: 212-809-8585
Individuals who have cause to believe that the Bureau of Consular Affairs may have records pertaining to him or her should write to the Director; Office of Information Programs and Services, A/GIS/IPS; SA-2, Department of State; 515 22nd Street NW., Washington, DC 20522-8100. The individual must specify that he/she wishes the records of the Bureau of Consular Affairs to be checked. At a minimum, the individual must include: name; date and place of birth; current mailing address and zip code; signature; and other information helpful in identifying the record. Any persons interested in commenting on the amended system of records may do so by writing to the Director; Office of Information Programs and Services, A/GIS/IPS; Department of State, SA-2; 515 22nd Street NW., Washington, DC 20522-8100. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: William Fischer, Acting Director; Office of Information Programs and Services, A/GIS/IPS; Department of State, SA-2; 515 22nd Street NW., Washington, DC 20522-8100, or at SYSTEM EXEMPTED FROM CERTAIN PROVISIONS OF THE ACT: Pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 552a (k)(1), (k)(2), (k)(3), k(4), and (k)(5), certain records contained within this system of records may be exempt from subsections 5 U.S.C. 552a(c)(3), (d), (e)(1), (e)(4)(G), (e)(4)(H), (e)(4)(I) and (f). [FR Doc. 2016-21645 Filed 9-7-16; 8:45 am] BILLING CODE 4710-06-P Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 40 minutes per response, including the time required for searching existing data sources, gathering the necessary data, providing the information and/or documentation required, and reviewing the final collection. You do not have to supply this information unless this collection displays a currently valid OMB control number. If you have comments on the accuracy of this burden estimate and/or recommendations for reducing it, please send them to: Passport Forms Management Officer, U.S. Department of State, Office of Program Management and Operational Support, 2201 C Street N.W., Washington, DC 20520. Constituent Spotlight Charles from Madison County, has been experiencing difficulties with receiving his rightful reimbursement from the federal government. After meeting with my office, we were able to correct this problem for him and he was able to receive $2,795 dollars in back pay. If you or someone you know is experiencing difficulties please reach out to my office or visit my website. Social Media Recap - senator todd young. did:called passport office, they refuse to give me my passport number, but person i spoke with suggested i send a letter, so i could work on that next.

Sunday, April 18, 2021

If a recent letter writer is “sick of Democrats’ … lies about voting ID” then I equally say I am sick of anyone demanding unnecessary mandates for personal IDs at polling sites. It’s simply a technique to dissuade and intimidate voters. I’m 75 years old, have voted in every election since 1967, and never had to show an ID at any polling place. I’ve registered new voters for years. Each registration is sent to and formalized by county clerks and validated when placing the name and address on voting rolls. When checking in to vote all one needs is confirmation of that name and address matching what the county clerk has officiated. And the writer’s claim that Democrats are racists by citing Reconstruction is blindly abrogating progress toward racial equality and social justice that occurred in the 20th century by leaders like FDR, LBJ, JFK, RFK, and many others. Learn accurate history. – Susan Stuart, Santa Cruz The Sentinel welcomes your letters to the editor. Letters should be short, no more than 150 words. We do not accept anonymous letters. Letter-writers should include their full name as well as a street address and telephone number. We don’t publish those details in the newspaper, but need the information for verification purposes. Occasionally, we reject letters simply because we’ve had so many on the same subject. Submit your letters online at

Wednesday, April 14, 2021


mail box to hawaii 1/2

plant seeds

x hose off rugs

sort garage boxes, take out trash, go to fnb

x cash check/deposit. chase maybe.

deposited 1400, paid off card balance. need to pay 5th 3rd $900.

cheese at zebleys

$44 gas. 270 miles. 2.65/gallon. 16 1/2 gallons, so i wasn't dry.

$8 vermouth. found a bit of scrap metal.

scrap run. auction run. clean, sort, room. stuff to closets or upstairs.

tonight fnb.

paid water bill $200.

to do pay bills. toll and tickets. paid wilmington ticket. $140.

x to do take 1 more cle class.

respond to emails. make timeline of emails:

bmv, sign case.

pay bills. x tickets, tolls. review tax filing. write down numbers from 1099s. see if tax act doc needs updating. tomorrow is the 15th.

call tommy

email mark small

make better list

write list on whiteboard

x make a comic

x vermouth

pay po box.

to do get cradle

soak rug in ydrogen peroxide

call tommy.