Sunday, March 30, 2014

stuff i forgot:
earphones. earplugs.

todo: email cory doctorow

trader joe's:
1-70 e to 270 s to 340 e a few blocks. then back to 270 s, down to 40, west, then east, or back to 270 s to.. no, stay on 340 w, 2nd trader joes is near 40.

s on 270 to 100 (des peres rd?) left, nearby. go further on 100 w to aldi. then back to 40 east. for #4. corner of 40 and I-170. clayton. then farmers market, or some aldis.

60 cases:
61 indiana voter ID
62 taylor v taylor
63 evansville
64 h + h
65 n carolina amicus
66 l rev articles
67 michigan disclaimers

60 cases:
61 indiana voter ID
Issue: case remanded to state court. wrongly dismissed by trial court. need to do motion for status conference.

62 taylor v taylor: step 1 get readmitted. step 2. find out if case is still open. step 3 file motion briefing status.

63 evansville. file motion for temporary injunction.

64 h + h. prepare for april 8th hearing. get kevin over. move cars, clean yard, fix roof.

65 n carolina amicus. step 1: re read what i've got. done. find those emails. step 2. do a next draft.

66 l rev articles
67 michigan disclaimers. do an outline and make some notes.

CLE's: next session, bring headphones, pay $77  this address

5 housing thing.
12 seymour.
6 new castle
6 online.
5 valparaiso. friday april 4th
need 42 or 54.
so plan for may to take more.

today: work on evansville temp injunction.

 Winter v. NRDiC, Inc., 555 U.S. 7 (2008).[1] 
"A plaintiff seeking a preliminary injunction must establish that he is likely to succeed on the merits, that he is likely to suffer irreparable harm in the absence of preliminary relief, that the balance of equities tips in his favor, and that an injunction is in the public interest.

Saturday, March 29, 2014

notes on to do list marh 28 2014. friday. At st charles. Get patch off tomorrow, get out monday, go home wednesday.

1 cops re greg
2 802 easter offer $8k  2833 michigan offer $5k.
3 dumpster dive plans 4 traders joes st louis area t charles one, farmer market, aldi, look up aldi locations.
4 boxers n briefs
5 ohio brief mostly done
6 2013 taxes
7 2014 expense records
8 2012 taxes
9 ira by april 15th
10 sign research project google drive docs.
11 water plants. Move cars.
12 move cars. Cops re greg.
13 email sam.
14 reserve room for lp convention. Make plans for indiana convention, put on calendar.
15 get work done on car. Mario. Elaborate. Junkyard for calipers.
16 make better list
17 sort bank statements and mail.
18 pnc bank re late fee. Pay $50 and credt card balance.
19 CLEs. Especially that one at valparaiso
20 package to lindy. Package to hawaii.
21 get w joe woerle re house.
22 take fnb kids to werle farm.
23 move boxes at kevins.
24 make did list for 2014.
25 clean car.
26 install volvo battery
27 call mom on sundays
28 check for studises. Get on waiting list for springfield $8k.
29 read letter from judge.
30 look for leter from guy at court 12.
31 tax property challenge at temple and talbott.
32 order indiana property list.
33 plant more seeds.
34 come back here april 18th? (fnb party)to 30th. 4k.
35 notes for tort claims.
36 police re richard patrick lead hammers pawn shop items
37 pawn shop re richard patrick.
38 cases
39 write back re annabelle
40 copy drives from old computers
41 locks for talbott
42 see dec 5th entry for list of cases
43 read irs letters
44 motion to intervene in mulholland
45 update list of stuff stolen by greg.
46 used battery for volvo.
47 lawn mow temple
48 chicago ticket
49 st louis ticket
50        water bill
51 internet bill
52 clean yard
53 bill from the city
54 look for pearson online grading as a job
55 tutoring for $20/hr
56 editorial on why missouri republicans should oppose voter ID
57 clean room
58 clean house
58 clean all 3 houses
59 read letter from H + H
60 cases:
61 indiana voter ID
62 taylor v taylor
63 evansville
64 h + h
65 n carolina amicus
66 l rev articles
67 michigan disclaimers
69 dancing rabbitt
70 east wind.

Sort list by importance
sort list by which to do first
1 cops re greg
2 802 eastern offer $8k  2833 michigan offer $5k.
            Check land bank listings.
2.1 haircut
3 dumpster dive plans 4 traders joes st louis area t charles one, farmer market, aldi, look up aldi locations.
4 boxers n briefs
5 ohio brief mostly done
6 2013 taxes
7 2014 expense records
8 2012 taxes
9 ira by april 15th
10 sign research project google drive docs.
11 water plants. Move cars.
12 move cars. Cops re greg.
13 email sam.
14 reserve room for lp convention. Make plans for indiana convention, put on calendar.
15 get work done on car. Mario. Elaborate. Junkyard for calipers.
16 make better list
17 sort bank statements and mail.
18 pnc bank re late fee. Pay $50 and credt card balance.
19 CLEs. Especially that one at valparaiso
20 package to lindy. Package to hawaii.
21 get w joe woerle re house.
22 take fnb kids to werle farm.
23 move boxes at kevins.
24 make did list for 2014.
25 clean car.
26 install volvo battery
27 call mom on sundays
28 check for studises. Get on waiting list for springfield $8k.
29 read letter from judge.
30 look for leter from guy at court 12.
31 tax property challenge at temple and talbott.
32 order indiana property list.
33 plant more seeds.
34 come back here april 18th? (fnb party)to 30th. 4k.
35 notes for tort claims.
36 police re richard patrick lead hammers pawn shop items
37 pawn shop re richard patrick.
38 cases
39 write back re annabelle
40 copy drives from old computers
41 locks for talbott
42 see dec 5th entry for list of cases
43 read irs letters
44 motion to intervene in mulholland
45 update list of stuff stolen by greg.
46 used battery for volvo.
47 lawn mow temple
48 chicago ticket
49 st louis ticket
50        water bill
51 internet bill
52 clean yard
53 bill from the city
54 look for pearson online grading as a job
55 tutoring for $20/hr
56 editorial on why missouri republicans should oppose voter ID
57 clean room
58 clean house
58 clean all 3 houses
59 read letter from H + H
60 cases:
61 indiana voter ID
62 taylor v taylor
63 evansville
64 h + h
65 n carolina amicus
66 l rev articles
67 michigan disclaimers
69 dancing rabbitt
70 east wind.
71 fnb wish list – cutting boards, microwave, stove? What else?
72 check files, anything I can work on while offline?
73 n carolina amicus.
74 read obiwan kenobi book.
75 wash socks.

did list 2014.

1 wrote ohio brief.
2 made to do list.
3 ssn number
4 scrap
5 club
6 pobox
7 bank
8 letter filed w court.
9 packed.
10 moon mansion.
11 recycling
12 drove to st charles
13 got out of bed
14 dropped off food
15 emailed tommy sam joe
16 ordered car parts bought car parts
17 called mom
18 blogged
19 made bed
20 boxspring 1/2
21 angelos
22 fixed some stuff on the car
23 clean car
24 cardboard
25 trash
26 learned phone number
27 got vaccuum
28 planted seeds
29 went to bar asoc meet
30 got some cle hours
31 drywall to talbot
32 keys
33 laundry
34 shelves to fnb. Pots, dishes.
35 dishes
36 washed car
37 bought baking soda vinegar batteries
38 bought jungle jom. $80. found rugs.
39 oil change. Bought 10 books
40 did $5000 study.
41 made apples and potatoes recipe
42 posted food pics
43 bought house on temple
44 cleaned up at temple
45 read grishnam book
46 read cory doctorow book pirate cinema

Friday, March 28, 2014

Sunday, March 23, 2014

while i'm here i have 4 things to work on.

1.) ohio brief.
2.) 2013 taxes.
3.) better list.
4.) sign project research.

Thursday, March 20, 2014

x sscard!!!!!!
x scrap.
x club.
x po box. bank.
x letter for court.
x pack.
water plants.
ss card.
move cars
x moon mansion. recycling.
x drive to st charles.
x check in around 1 pm. fasted?
cops re greg.

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

friday daily task list

x get out of bed
0 scrap
x drop off food
x email joe tommy sam
make bed
x order car parts - power steering belt, calipers, back brake pins
read letters from court
make better list.
write a few paragraphs about cases and projects
x blog
sort bank statements and mail
x call mom
i think i'm missing a cle today.
package to lindy

x11 make bed
x2 2 box spring
x3 3 joe werle
x4 4 angelos $58
1/2x 5 5 get majors case file from courthouse
6 spray for bugs
x7 clean car
8 wash car
1/2x 9 fix car
x10 get gas $50
x11 scrap $11
1/2x12 cardboard
13 call mom
14 look for brake part
15 order calipers
x16 find out fone number
x17 email fone number to st charles
18 6 letter from judge
19 water bill
20 make key
x21 make better list
22 make comic
23 blog
24 look for letter from crazy guy re court
25 sort bank statements and mail
26 sweep floor
x 27 test vacuum
28 work on taxes
29 tax protests re talbott and temple
30 CLE's - friday?
31 order indiana property list
x 32 plant seeds
33 notes for tort claims
tort claim reordered from washington and college 11pm thursday car 878 or 787 november or october
34 write to tommy
35 write to sam
36 call police re richard patrick
37 pawn shop re richard patrick
38 batteries for flashlight
39 cases

40 write back re annabelle
41 get drives from old computers
1/2 x42 clean yard
 key for talbott
43 front door key

44 see dec 5th entry for list of cases
45 put money in ira by april 15th
46 2012 taxes
47 property taxes- how far behind am i?
48 write down jan/feb/march travel expense
49 motion to intervene in mulholland case
50 nov 8th list of stuff stolen by greg

Todolist march 12 2014 wednesday

x 0 went to bar assoc meet. late, failed to mingle, didn't get ticket.
1/2x 1 courthouse re majors v abell- went to wrong courthouse
x 2 talbott drywall
x 3 make keys
x 4  drop off recycling at omalias
5 spray for bugs
6 cops re plate and patrick
7 wash car
x 8 cardboard at hoyt
9 letter from judge
10 blog
11 sort bank statements
12 taxdispute re temple and talbott
13 cases
14 write to tommy
15 write to sam
x 16 batteries, baking soda
17 drive backup broken computers
18 2013 taxes
19 property taxes lookup statement
20 write down jan feb mar expenses
21 mulholland motion to intervene
22 clean up temple
23 does joe have a lawn mower i can borrow?
24 chicago ticket
25 check for studies
26 contact irb
27 water bill
28 internet bill
29 clean yard
30 look for letter re court 12
31 bill from the city

so i did 7 things, and tonight there's a pineapple beer party.

Monday, March 10, 2014


3 things.
i forget what they are.
1 open letter from judge
2 angelos
3 fix car
unpack and wash car
make list

Sunday, March 02, 2014


noonish pick up kevin at tent city.

pay bills
read court letter

drive to chicago
what is the other thing?
call mom.
call joe
make key.
look for letter re court from that guy
make better list

to do, but not tomorrow:
look into pearson online grading as a job
tutoring for $20/hr.

order indiana property list.