Tuesday, May 30, 2023

 monday 5/30


1 pnc card 2 other cards

2 made better list

3 made appointment with spectrum thursday 3-4 pm. 

4 took robin to see scotty's.

5 manny dias. burned another house same hour! on new york st. 

now car won't start and i'm late to work.

6. checked on pt cruiser.

7.paid $100 on electric bill. paid chase bill. stocks went up $1000.

8 found hat. 

9 asked james about bartending.


x clean car.

scrapyard. van wouldn't start so i missed it for today.

x plasma

x take out trash

stairs - started. washed dishes.

make better list. 

to do

x 1 check on pt cruiser

2. internet (am here)

x 3. replace bank cards (x on my way to pnc)

x star bank, x huntington

x 4 . ritter, take robin to meet scotty

x 5. get name of arsonist manny dias. 

6. get address for dusty - unknown.

7. get dumpster rolloff. 

8. get phone at cricket

9. casey problem

10. x gender case, write to court.

11. billing records

list of cases to work on:

12. new hampshire

13. alaska

14. san francisco

15. 4 cou. nties in indiana. client letter.

16. public records request reminder marion county

17. ag opinions: indiana, delaware, nebraska, others?


18. H & H situation. pay ticket. make copy of letter re dawn young

19. kokomo church

x 20. clean stairs

21. letter re scammer 4015

22. shreve signs no disclaimer. judge sign.

23. canddiate recruitment

24. plant seeds

25. work on crackers. 1.the game. 2. elections game. 

26. make better list by checking older lists.

x 27 wash dishes. sort groceries from car. toss shrimp.

what else? i'm forgetting a few things.

28 buy big bag of big bags.

29 get a tuneup.

Monday, May 22, 2023


scrap yard

x credit union new card

x 2 pm showing so go to wilmoth office

did some cleaning in the kitchen, the van, maybe stairs next. 4 mice. finished my rental application. met with omar.   


what are my 15 side hustles? i lose track.

1. day job

2. monday gig

3 plasma

4 medical experiments

5 medical experiment recruting

6 law practice

7 rents

8 real estate investment

9 class action settlements

10 blogging

11 recycling company/scrap yard

12 tesla investment

13 oil

14 family trust

to do:

casey situation. quitclaim deed, assignment of interest, power of attorney. 

sign lawsuit, do complaints, letter to client, billing records.


Tuesday, May 16, 2023

 x to do: done.

write to volokh about sealed bmv case.

Hi Professor Volokh,

 I thought you might be interested in this sealed case from Indiana.

The merits have to do with whether the BMV is required to let people list their sex as X on their driver's licenses instead of F or M, without paperwork.

The case was filed in 2019, but it was only learned of recently, when the state appealed an injunction. 


Simmons v IN BMV, 53C06-2106-PL-001347


 The parties and the court won't tell me what's going on in the case, so I don't know whether or not the injunction is still in force.

Good morning Robbin Stewart,


The Court received your email about this case. I am replying to let you know that this specific case is listed as confidential and the Court is not able to release information to non-parties at this time.


Thank you,


Amber Zike

Official Court Reporter

Monroe County Circuit Court VI

I went to my local BMV branch, but they were not willing to follow the injunction, or initiate a hearing on my dispute. 

I will not be surprised if the Indiana courts reverse the injunction at some point, but this is my first time dealing with an injunction that might or might not exist. 


Robbin Stewart, aka Arbitrary Aardvark. 

Wednesday, May 10, 2023

friday did 

$475 cash count. $250 on plasma card. deposited $638. paid credit card. stocks up. planted some flower seeds. 

saturday did:

plasma $80 (62.50).

filled car with dumpster dived clothes and stuff. some dragon tshirts and hoodies, a leather jacket for tommy, work pants for me, a peacoat. food. 


x mow lawn at church.

report signs to marion county election board.



Rico Gonzalez(40) Indianapolis, IN (219)228-4298 | Public Profile indy lp chair

x put away laundry. did 2 loads. 

to do thursday

put away groceries. didnt, and it got hot, so i'll throw those away.

x take a bath

x make a comic

read case file in fitz simmons v bmv. can't find it online. to do write to bmv asking if the injunction is still in operation, maybe call the court in monroe county. lambda legal indy?

wrote to bmv legal asking about it

cleaned yard and van.

put recycling in van.

forgot. x mow lawn at church. plant seeds. 

make better list.

write a new set.


put away trash cans

po box.

depositied $650 huntington.

three boxes groceries

walmart $50. mousetraps, buglights, flower bulbs.

aldi, sardines,, decaf. 

wrote to bmv.


 this was fun. cleaned grease trap at work.

 daily task list wednesday. 

hobo lady scrap yard.


legal zoom at noon. 

look for phone. 

check on pt cruiser. 

get trash ready.

make better list. 

billing records. client letter. 


laundry, wash work shoes.

make comic.

tuesday did:

worked, that's all. 6 hours, cleaned the grease trap.

read a case about non-binary ID's. 

Tuesday, May 02, 2023

 a few new to do list items.

city hall, get home address/voting records of zoning thug.

222 S Downey Ave, Unit 416
Indianapolis IN 46219

letter to capital one.

i had something else, now i forget. 

call kokomo church

check on pt cruiser.

oil change new york and rural

clean car, stairs, call tommy

anyway deposited $300 at chase,paid chase card

letter re scammer re 4015. 

found a plant, took a box of eggs to the soup kitchen, found soup and yogurt and coffee. $45 plasma. 

lawyer zoom at noon. oh! who won the election?

letter to election board re shreve signs with no disclaimer


Monday, May 01, 2023



today was hippie christmas. coming back from my medical study, i checked the fancy apartments near the canal, and found:

shoes, sheets, food, including sardines, pictured, cleaning supplies, shampoo type stuff, clothes, dishes, a generic roomba, cd's, games, cases of drinks, a lamp, surge protectors, headphones, misc electronic i'm not sure whats.

the hobo lady is back in the garage. i was going to unload it there but i put it on the stairs instead and i'm slowly sorting.