Thursday, March 24, 2011

got car fixed $110 parts $50 greg = 160.
call mom!
did dishes, didnt do laundry yet
need to write memos.
call phone co.
go through lists.
read mail.
outline response re w va.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

happy vernal equinox tomorrow, er, today.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

to do thurs
2 X make bed
7 call mom
8 call arabian
get w greg
title to neon
X water turned on
memos for court stuff.
call/email joe o'connor
make better list
go through old lists
outline severeal memos for grass winthrop case
contact guy who wanted ot buy lot monte mcquiston.
fix car offer ride to lane tommy
somehow get mail from post office
X go to bank get $100/cash check.
collect rent downstairs.
1 find plasma card. research other plasma places. next stop monday.
4 email cute boy
car stuff: have greg check brakes.
check for studies, call jasper.
call kansas city?
3 go thru phone bills
house stuff
227 stuff
5 make craigslist ad
think about jobs, but get car ready first
2 get blood oranges
job - inbterational foods place off shadeland
check iupui law job board
register with temp agencies
tony bennet letter
covance letter
6 fda complaint
pushups parkhurst

thurs plumbing $15
did friday
washed dishes
laundry x 3
paid pa bill $58 from line of credit, balance now $358.
made bed
couldn't find plasma card
$50 clubbing friday and saturday
fix closet - open closet door
2010 taxes
go through old lists
last chance auto
lonnie file
cat grass

Friday, March 04, 2011

alvin sanders owed jake $100 and lin $350?

he left:
nice rug $50.
dvd player does it work? car radio.
microwave. $25 monitor. $40 stereo. $40 (alvin b has those)
food $20.
so like $175.
wednesday 3/16
did: plasma

to do thurs
make bed
call mom
call arabian
get w greg
title to neon
water turned on
memos for court stuff.
call/email joe o'connor
make better list
go through old lists
outline severeal memos for grass winthrop case
contact guy who wanted ot buy lot
fix car offer ride to lane tommy
somehow get mail from post office
go to bank get $100/cash check.
collect rent downstairs.
find plasma card. research other plasma places. next stop monday.
email cute boy
car stuff: have greg check brakes.
check for studies, call jasper.
call kansas city?
go thru phone bills
house stuff
227 stuff
make craigslist ad
think about jobs, but get car ready first
get blood oranges
job - inbterational foods place off shadeland
check iupui law job board
register with temp agencies
tony bennet letter
covance letter
fda complaint
pushups parkhurst

Study Number #2189

Added March 8, 2011

The Clinical Research Center needs healthy male and female volunteers to participate in a pharmaceutical research study. You must be 18-55 years old years old. You must not be taking any over-the-counter or prescription medications, you must be substance-free, and not overweight.

The study will compensate up to $3600. You will receive free laboratory tests, physical exam, and an ECG. If you are healthy and interested in participating in this study, please call our recruiters at 1-716-885-3580 ext 205 and ask for study #2189. See study schedule #2189 for date and time requirements.

* 2189 Schedule 1
* 2189 Schedule 2

A Recruiter
Phone: 716-885-3580 x205

Thursday, March 03, 2011

bank paid credit card $120
bank loan $245
mailed dna test.
mailed texas isd $350.60.
still need to pay andrews county. plan: call them find out how much. $800?
tomorrow: go w brian get title.
call andrews county find out tax balance.
contact forest oil in case they have money for me.
received $105 from alvin b,need to sign title to him.
spent 2 hours ish cleaning 227.
go thru old posts make better list.
prepare jackson lawsuit.re225/227.
sort pics.
draft memos.
clean room.
make comic.
call asssessor, make appoitment.
write up something re march 7th hearing. - monday!!!!!!!
tomorrow go to env court and get copy of lost letter.
mail pa fine.
send billand laura a thank you note for the dna kit.
put number 49 on the neo.