Tuesday, November 18, 2008

to do:
make a better list
make calls to find a study
call larry reuben re district 26 contest
(ann delaney as well)
email karen -celestino- horseman
draft amended complaint
check in w joell
get electric quote
fix garage
ask unicorn guy about fixing garage
go thru mail and bills, irs letter?
unclean room, find stuff
discovery - new discovery requests for state and county
motion re discovery timetable
write letters to crawford amici seeking represenation

find counsel
work on amicus for bopp citizens unitied case.

Monday, November 17, 2008

did: paid the electric $200 and water $50 bills.
got rent money, called dave, will see him tomorrow.
checked mail, so i didn't have to pay the $455.
so i should go back to the bank.
need to make a better to do list.